Comments on How to Install and Configure OpenShift Origin PaaS Server on Ubuntu 20.04
OpenShift is a free, open-source, and cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS) developed by Red Hat that allows the developers to develop and deploy their applications on a cloud infrastructure. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install OpenShift Origin on Ubuntu 20.04 server.
5 Comment(s)
Hi, Thanks for the detailed explanation. BTW, if we restart the ubuntu server then all the created projects and login goes off. How can we retain the created projects and deployments even if ubuntu is restarted?
Post restart we need to again login via oc and recreate the projects. Appreciate your advise on the same.
Hi Hitesh,
Can you sharing to our how about to create OKD Cluster, after successfully install on single node VM.
Thank you
merci pour votre tuto,
Installation qui fonctionne sur une version 20.04
« Cepandant il y a un probleme lorsque que l’on va chercher un repository gitlab, il y a une erreur du type » :
Could not resolve host:; Unknown error
Thank You Hitesh for Detailed steps, this was very help on configuring OpenShift in Ubuntu.
Hi, Can you write a blog for installing openshift on AWS ?