Comments on Installing Google Desktop On PCLinuxOS 2007 And Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

Installing Google Desktop On PCLinuxOS 2007 And Ubuntu Feisty Fawn This article shows how you can install the Linux version of Google Desktop on a PCLinuxOS 2007 desktop and an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) desktop. Although the program is still marked as beta, Linux users can already search for text inside documents, local email messages, their Web history, and their Gmail accounts.

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Google Desktop is available in PCLinuxOS repositories. So there is no need to install Kpackage using Synaptic first. Just search for google or desktop in Synaptic and install it straight from there. Cheers.

By: Pratama

Does anyone still have the binary version of Google-Desktop ? 

I need it to develop another floss desktop search software for GNU/Linux.