Comments on Creating An NFS-Like Standalone Storage Server With GlusterFS 3.2.x On Ubuntu 12.10
This tutorial shows how to set up a standalone storage server on Ubuntu 12.10. Instead of NFS, I will use GlusterFS here. The client system will be able to access the storage as if it was a local filesystem. GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. Storage bricks can be made of any commodity hardware such as x86_64 servers with SATA-II RAID and Infiniband HBA.
4 Comment(s)
Very interesting article. But why would I want GlusterFS instead of NFS for one single server? I would like to know your opinion on the matter.
Besides, how does GlusterFS compare to NFS on CPU load and RAM load (client and server), and network bandwidth usage?
Thank you for any insight you may have :-)
I wouldnt ,mainly on just the fact that their both dfs,dis.rspc.
- Sincerely Nun. B
how can i have both system? a client and server at first step? having hard time to search that.
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