Installation Of Citrix Presentation Server ICA Client Using PCLinuxOS With KDE Display Manager - Page 2
Click on the PCLinuxOS “PC” start button, select System, Configuration, and Menu Editor.
In the left portion of the Menu Editor window, click on the + to the left of Internet.
Right click on the Other menu option within Internet. When the menu opens, select New Item, enter Citrix ICA Client into the New Item window, and then click Ok.
This will return you to the KDE Window Editor window with Citrix ICA Client highlighted. On the right side of the Menu Editor window, click the icon which is located just to the right of the blank Command: window. This will bring up a file browse window.
In the blank address window at the top of the file browser, replace the current path with /usr/lib/ICAClient (type exactly as written here...capitalization is important) and press the Enter key.
From the listing of files in the window (/usr/lib/ICAClient), select Wfcmgr and then click Ok. Now the entry in the window to the right of the Command: label should be /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr.
This will return you to the menu editor screen. Click on the large icon to right of the Name: and Description: input boxes. This will bring up a Select Icon window.
Select Other Icons which will activate the Browse button.
The file browser should default to the path /usr/lib/ICAClient. Correct the path, if not. From the file listing, select the Icons folder, select the manager.xpm icon file, and then select Open. This returns you to the Menu Editor window.
Close the Menu Editor window. You will be prompted with You have made changes to the menu. Click the Save button at this point. Click on the PCLinuxOS “PC” start button and select Internet, Other and Citrix ICA Client. You will be prompted for the root password.
Enter the root password, which will bring up the Citrix Presentation Server Client For Linux window.
Click on the Tools menu option, choose Settings, select Preferences, select Window, enter your preferred settings for color and size, select Apply, and click on Window once more to return to the Preferences menu. If you wish, you can select Drive Mapping from the preferences window to map local drives (or folders as drives) to the network or set any other such options within the Preferences menu. After you Apply your preferences and click the Ok button, you will return to the Citrix Presentation Server Client For Linux window. Click on the Connections menu option and select New. When the new configuration window appears, select Network Settings.
Select Network Protocol and enter the Citrix network server location (IP address of Citrix server), description (your name for the connection), and the destination (IP address of Citrix server). Click on Apply. If you wish to configure any other specific settings for this connection, enter the data in the respective submenus of this configuration menu, apply and click Ok. When you are ready to connect, click on the lightning bolt icon within this window. If you wish to make a shortcut to this Citrix Client launch/configuration window, right click on the menu icon for the Citrix ICA Client option under Other of the Internet menu and select either a desktop or panel shortcut.
I hope that this provides joy for many.