Articles by o.meyer

  • How To Install The Internet Explorer On Ubuntu 8.04

    Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 16

    How To Install The Internet Explorer On Ubuntu 8.04 This document describes how to install the Internet Explorer (different versions) on Ubuntu 8.04 with IEs4Linux. Some users - especially web developers/designers need different versions of the Internet Explorer to test their pages.

  • How To Install And Use gDesklets On Ubuntu 8.04

    Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 8

    How To Install And Use gDesklets On Ubuntu 8.04 This document describes how to install and use gDesklets on Ubuntu 8.04. Taken from the gDesklets page: "gDesklets is a system for bringing mini programs (desklets), such as weather forecasts, news tickers, system information displays, or music player controls, onto your desktop, where they are sitting there in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. The possibilities are really endless and they are always there to serve you whenever you need them, just one key-press away. The system is not restricted to one desktop environment, but currently works on most of the modern Unix desktops (including GNOME, KDE, Xfce)."

  • Installing Songbird Media Player On Ubuntu 8.04

    Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 2

    Installing Songbird Media Player On Ubuntu 8.04 This document describes how to set up Songbird 0.5 on Ubuntu 8.04. Taken from the Songbird page: "Songbird is a desktop media player mashed-up with the Web. Songbird is committed to playing the music you want, from the sites you want, on the devices you want, challenging the conventions of discovery, purchase, consumption and organization of music on the Internet."

  • How To Fix The Sound Issues Between Skype 2.0 And Pulseaudio On Fedora 9

    Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 6

    How To Fix The Sound Issues Between Skype 2.0 And Pulseaudio On Fedora 9 The main problem with Pulseaudio and Skype on Fedora 9 (maybe also on other distributions) is stuttering, crackling sound. This document describes how to fix the sound issues between Skype 2.0 and Pulseaudio on Fedora 9.

  • Back Up Your Files With Areca On Fedora 9

    Author: o.meyerTags: , , Comments: 0

    Back Up Your Files With Areca On Fedora 9 Areca is a personal file backup software developed in Java. It allows you to select files or directories to backup, filter, encrypt and compress their content, and store them on your backup location. Areca supports incremental backups and generates backup reports, which can be stored on your disk or sent by email. This guide explains how to install and use it on a Fedora 9 desktop (GNOME).

  • Setting Up PHPlist (Open-Source Newsletter Manager)

    Author: o.meyerTags: , , , , Comments: 1

    Setting Up PHPlist (Open-Source Newsletter Manager) This document describes how to set up PHPlist on Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian. This howto should also work for other distributions with little modifications. Taken from the phplist page: "phplist is an open-source newsletter manager. phplist is free to download, install and use, and is easy to integrate with any website. phplist is downloaded more than 10 000 times per month and is listed in the top open source projects for vitality score on Freshmeat."

  • Manage Your Laptop's Hotkeys On Fedora

    Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 2

    Manage Your Laptop's Hotkeys On Fedora This document describes how to make your laptop's hotkeys usable on Fedora. I've tested this with Fedora 8 but it should also work with other Fedora versions - and maybe, with a little modification, also with other distributions.

  • Upgrade Your Desktop From Fedora 8 To Fedora 9 With PreUpgrade

    fedora Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 7

    Upgrade Your Desktop From Fedora 8 To Fedora 9 With PreUpgrade This document describes how to upgrade your desktop from Fedora 8 to Fedora 9 via PreUpgrade. PreUpgrade provides a frontend that allows the user to easily download all packages that are needed for the distribution upgrade, and then perform the distribution upgrade.

  • The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 9

    fedora Author: o.meyerTags: , Comments: 15

    The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 9 This document describes step-by-step how to set up a Fedora 9 desktop (GNOME). The result is a fast, secure and extendable system that provides all you need for daily work and entertainment.

  • Protect Your Files With TrueCrypt 5.1a On Debian Etch (GNOME)

    Author: o.meyerTags: , , Comments: 7

    Protect Your Files With TrueCrypt 5.1a On Debian Etch (GNOME) This document describes how to set up TrueCrypt 5.1a on Debian Etch (GNOME). Taken from the TrueCrypt page: "TrueCrypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume (data storage device). On-the-fly encryption means that data are automatically encrypted or decrypted right before they are loaded or saved, without any user intervention. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password/keyfile(s) or correct encryption keys. Entire file system is encrypted (e.g., file names, folder names, contents of every file, free space, meta data, etc)."