Articles by Muhammad Arul
OpenSSH Security Best Practices
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: arch linux, centos, debian, freebsd, opensuse, security, server, shell, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 9SSH (Secure Shell) is a cryptographic network protocol for initiating text-based shell sessions on remote machines in a secure way. OpenSSH is a connectivity tool that most administrators rely on to work on their Linux and *BSD servers daily. This tutorial covers the best pratices to configure your SSH server securely.
How to Install Nagios 4.0.8 on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: monitoring, networking, server, ubuntu • Comments: 8Nagios is an open source software for system and network monitoring. Nagios can see the activity of a host and its services, and provides a warning/alert if something bad happens on the server. Nagios can run on Linux operating systems. At this time we are using Ubuntu 15.04 for the installation.
How to Install nginx and google pagespeed on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: linux, nginx, server, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 7Nginx (engine-x) is a open source and high performance HTTP server, reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server. The outstanding features of Nginx are: stability, rich feature set, simple configuration and low resource consumption. Nginx is being used by some of the largest websites on the internet and is gaining more and more popularity in the webmaster community. This tutorials shows how to build a nginx .deb package for Ubuntu 15.04 from source that has Google pagespeed module compiled in.
How to Install Zimbra 8.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 Server
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: linux, ubuntu, postfix, email • Comments: 22The Zimbra Collaboration Server is a mail server, collaborative web application and a web based admin console in a single application. It provides LDAP, antivirus, antispam, collaboration features and ajax webmail client. Zimbra is easy to use for administrators as well as end users due to its fast Ajax based web interface.
How to install OpenVPN Server and Client on CentOS 7
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: centos, linux, security • Comments: 35OpenVPN is an open source application that allows you to create a private network over the public Internet. OpenVPN tunnels your network connection securely trough the internet. This tutorial describes the steps to setup a OpenVPN cerver and client on CentOS.
How to Install OwnCloud 8 with Nginx and MariaDB on CentOS 7
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: centos, linux, nginx • Comments: 9OwnCloud is a server software for data synchronisation and file-sharing with an easy to use web frontend. Owncloud can be installed on a Linux or Windows server, it is easy to configure and has a comprehensive online documentation. The native client is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Desktop Application). There is also a mobile app for Android and iOS. This tutorial describes the installation of Owncloud 8 on CentOS 7 with nginx webserver and MariaDB database.
How to Install Seafile on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 1Seafile is a private cloud software, it supports encrypted file libraries to store data securely. To encrypt files in a library, you need to set a password when you create the library. The password won't be stored on Seafile cloud, so even the adminastrator of the servers cannot view your encrypted data without the password. This tutorial shows the installation of Seafile on Ubuntu 15.04.
How to Setup Port-Forwarding on OPNSense
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: networking, security • Comments: 0This guide will show you how to set up NAT Port Forwarding on the OPNSense Firewall Router. We will allow public internet to access the server inside the private LAN. Allow SSH and HTTP connections from the public internet to the server on the private LAN.