Articles by marchost
How To Install Ubuntu 8.04 With Software RAID1
Author: marchost • Tags: ubuntu, storage • Comments: 7How To Install Ubuntu 8.04 With Software RAID1 This short guide explains how you can configure software RAID1 during the initial installation of an Ubuntu 8.04 ("Hardy Heron") system.
High-Availability Storage Cluster With GlusterFS On Ubuntu
Author: marchost • Tags: ubuntu, high-availability, storage • Comments: 9
High-Availability Storage Cluster With GlusterFS On Ubuntu In this tutorial I will show you how to install GlusterFS in a scalable way to create a storage cluster, starting with 2 servers on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server. Files will be replicated and splitted accross all servers which is some sort of RAID 10 (raid 1 with < 4 servers). With 4 servers that have each 100GB hard drive, total storage will be 200GB and if one server fails, the data will still be intact and files on the failed server will be replicated on another working server. GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. Storage bricks can be made of any commodity hardware such as x86-64 server with SATA-II RAID and Infiniband HBA.
How To Reduce Log File Disk Usage With ISPConfig Or LAMP
Author: marchost • Tags: control panels, ispconfig, linux • Comments: 5How To Reduce Log File Disk Usage With ISPConfig Or LAMP Slowly I was seeing my disk usage increasing, I knew it was log files that were getting bigger and bigger. I found out that Apache log files were the worst, there was around 1GB of space used in 3 months.
The Perfect Load-Balanced & High-Availability Web Cluster With 2 Servers Running Xen On Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron
Author: marchost • Tags: virtualization, ubuntu, high-availability, xen • Comments: 2
The Perfect Load-Balanced & High-Availability Web Cluster With 2 Servers Running Xen On Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron In this howto we will build a load-balanced and high-availability web cluster on 2 real servers with Xen, hearbeat and ldirectord. The cluster will do http, mail, DNS, MySQL database and will be completely monitored. This is currently used on a production server with a couple of websites. The goal of this tutorial is to achieve load balancing & high availability with as few real servers as possible and of course, with open-source software. More servers means more hardware & hosting cost.
Simple Bash Script To Monitor Your Webserver Remotely On Different Ports
Author: marchost • Tags: linux, monitoring, programming • Comments: 2Simple Bash Script To Monitor Your Webserver Remotely On Different Ports Simple bash script to monitor a webserver on different ports (here smtp, dns, http & https but it can be customized); I'm sure there are over 100 available programs doing this but I wanted something with small memory usage. Also, I only wanted to be notified once, notifications are received by SMS on my cell. With the software I was using before, I was getting notified every minute until I could reach a computer and fix the problem or stop monitoring which was quite annoying.
IP Address Geolocation From MySQL
Author: marchost • Tags: linux, mysql • Comments: 9IP Address Geolocation From MySQL In this short tutorial I will use a local MySQL database to do IP addresses geolocation.
Shell Script To Back Up All MySQL Databases, Each Table In An Individual File And Upload To Remote FTP
Author: marchost • Tags: mysql, backup • Comments: 10
Shell Script To Back Up All MySQL Databases, Each Table In An Individual File And Upload To Remote FTP This script will create a backup of each table in every database (one file per table), compress it and upload it to a remote ftp.
Script To Check If MySQL Master Master Replication Is Working Correctly
Author: marchost • Tags: mysql • Comments: 5
Script To Check If MySQL Master Master Replication Is Working Correctly This short article explains how you can use a short script to check whether your MySQL master master replication is working as expected or not.