Articles by Aqsa Yasin
Installation of Sublime text editor on Ubuntu 20.04
Author: Aqsa Yasin • Tags: linux, ubuntu • Comments: 0Sublime Text is a well-known text editor used to write source code for web development. This tutorial will assist you in installing Sublime Text on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine.
How to use Bash file test operators in Linux
Author: Aqsa Yasin • Tags: linux, shell • Comments: 0File Test Operators are used in Linux to check and verify attributes of files like ownership or if they are a symlink. In this article, you will learn to test files using the if statement followed by some important test operators in Linux.
Different ways to schedule and list CRON jobs in Linux
Author: Aqsa Yasin • Tags: linux • Comments: 0Cron is a built-in Linux utility used to run different processes within the computer system at a particular scheduled time. This tutorial will assist you through several techniques to schedule and list Cron jobs in Linux.
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