Adding And Updating SpamAssassin Rulesets With RulesDuJour
Version 1.0
Author: Falko Timme
This article explains how you can download additional SpamAssassin rulesets resp. automatically update these rulesets with a shell script called RulesDuJour. These additional rulesets can increase your spam recognition rate dramatically. Most of the rulesets that RulesDuJour supports can be found on the SA Rules Emporium web site.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
1 Preliminary Note
I assume that you have already set up SpamAssassin (it doesn't matter if it's a standalone daemon or called through some other daemon such as amavisd - RulesDuJour supports all these configurations).
2 Downloading RulesDuJour
I'd like to store the RulesDuJour script in the /usr/local/sbin directory, so I go there and download the script:
cd /usr/local/sbin
chmod 750 rules_du_jour
3 Configuring RulesDuJour
Whenever the RulesDuJour script is called, it tries to read the configuration file /etc/rulesdujour/config. Therefore we create that file now:
mkdir /etc/rulesdujour
vi /etc/rulesdujour/config
TRUSTED_RULESETS="TRIPWIRE SARE_EVILNUMBERS0 SARE_RANDOM"; # TRIPWIRE, SARE_EVILNUMBERS0, SARE_EVILNUMBERS1, SARE_EVILNUMBERS2, BLACKLIST, BLACKLIST_URI, RANDOMVAL, BOGUSVIRUS, SARE_ADULT, SARE_FRAUD, SARE_BML, SARE_SPOOF, SARE_BAYES_POISON_NXM, SARE_OEM, SARE_RANDOM, SARE_HEADER, SARE_HEADER0, SARE_HEADER1, SARE_HEADER2, SARE_HEADER3, SARE_HEADER_ENG, SARE_HTML, SARE_HTML0, SARE_HTML1, SARE_HTML2, SARE_HTML3, SARE_HTML4, SARE_HTML_ENG, SARE_SPECIFIC, SARE_OBFU, SARE_OBFU0, SARE_OBFU1, SARE_OBFU2, SARE_OBFU3, SARE_REDIRECT, SARE_REDIRECT_POST300, SARE_SPAMCOP_TOP200, SARE_GENLSUBJ, SARE_GENLSUBJ0, SARE_GENLSUBJ1, SARE_GENLSUBJ2, SARE_GENLSUBJ3, SARE_GENLSUBJ_ENG, SARE_HIGHRISK, SARE_UNSUB, SARE_URI, SARE_URI0, SARE_URI1, SARE_URI3, SARE_URI_ENG, SARE_WHITELIST, SARE_WHITELIST_RCVD, SARE_WHITELIST_SPF, ZMI_GERMAN, SARE_STOCKS SA_DIR="/etc/mail/spamassassin"; # Change this to your SA local config # directory, probably /etc/mail/spamassassin. # For amavisd chrooted, this may be: # /var/amavisd/etc/mail/spamassassin MAIL_ADDRESS="[email protected]"; SINGLE_EMAIL_ONLY="true"; # Set this to "true" to send only one notification # email per RDJ run with "interesting" # activity. Set to "" to send a separate # for each interesting activity. EMAIL_RDJ_UPDATE_ONLY=""; # Set this to "true" to send notifications only # when an update for RDJ has been retrieved. Set # to "" (default) to send notifications whenever a ruleset # has changed. (Has no effect unless SINGLE_EMAIL_ONLY is set) SA_LINT="/usr/bin/spamassassin --lint"; # Command used to lint the rules SA_RESTART="/etc/init.d/amavisd restart"; # Command used to restart spamd # May be /etc/rc.d/init.d/spamassassin restart # For amavisd, may be /etc/init.d/amavisd restart # For minedefang, may be /etc/init.d/mimedefang restart CURL_PROG="/usr/bin/curl"; # Location of the curl program CURL_OPTS="-w %{http_code} --compressed -O -R -s -S -z"; # Parameters of the curl program CURL="${CURL_PROG} ${CURL_OPTS}"; # Curl program with parameters WGET_PROG="/usr/bin/wget"; # Location of the wget program WGET_OPTS="-N" # Parameters of the wget program WGET="${WGET_PROG} ${WGET_OPTS}"; # Wget program with parameters PERL="/usr/bin/perl"; # Location of the perl program GREP="/bin/grep"; # Location of the grep program TAIL="/usr/bin/tail -n 1"; # Location (and parameters) for 'tail -n 1' HEAD="/usr/bin/head -n 1"; # Location (and parameters) for 'head -n 1' MAILCMD="/bin/mail"; # Location of the mail program # that takes and understand the -s flag # DEBUG="true"; # Uncomment this to force debug mode on (or use -D) |
The TRUSTED_RULESETS line contains all rulesets that you want to use (make sure you test these before using them on production systems!); I've listed all available rulesets in a comment at the end of the line.
The SA_DIR line must contain your SpamAssassin configuration directory; usually that's /etc/mail/spamassassin.
The MAIL_ADDRESS should contain an email address to which you want RulesDuJour sent notifications about the download/update process.
All other options are explained (as comments) in the above script. The SA_RESTART should be the command that is used to restart SpamAssassin. If you run SpamAssassin as a standalone daemon, it's probably something like /etc/init.d/spamassassin restart or /etc/init.d/spamd restart; if SpamAssassin is called through amavisd, you must specify the command used to restart amavisd (e.g. /etc/init.d/amavisd restart).
It's a good idea to use full paths to all programs in the above script (e.g. /usr/bin/spamassassin instead of spamassassin or /usr/bin/curl instead of curl). You can find out the full path of each program with which, e.g.
which spamassassin
which curl
which wget
which perl
which grep
which tail
which head
which mail
[root@server1 sbin]# which spamassassin
[root@server1 sbin]# which curl
[root@server1 sbin]# which wget
[root@server1 sbin]# which perl
[root@server1 sbin]# which grep
[root@server1 sbin]# which tail
[root@server1 sbin]# which head
[root@server1 sbin]# which mail
[root@server1 sbin]#
4 Running RulesDuJour
If you are in the /usr/local/sbin directory, you can run RulesDuJour like this:
In an other directory you can call it like this:
Of course, you can always use the full path as well:
5 Creating A Cron Job
Of course, you don't want to run RulesDuJour manually each time; therefore we set up a cron job like this:
crontab -e
0 3 * * * /usr/local/sbin/rules_du_jour 2&>1 > /dev/null |
The above cron job would run RulesDuJour each night at 3:00h.
6 Links
- SpamAssassin:
- RulesDuJour:
- SpamAssassin Rules Emporium: