Configure Networking on AlmaLinux 8, CentOS 8 or Rocky Linux 8 with nmcli Command (20 Examples)
On this page
- Prerequisites
- 1. Check NetworkManager Status
- 2. Check All Available Device
- 3. Check Active Connection
- 4. Display Information About Ethernet Connection
- 5. Change “Automatically Connect” Directive
- 6. Change Network Connection BOOTPROTO Directive
- 7. Disable IPv6 Address with nmcli
- 8. Add DNS Server to Existing Connection
- 9. Remove DNS Server from Existing Connection
- 10. Add/Edit Connection Interactively
- 11. Monitor Connection Activity
- 12. Create a New Connection with Static IP
- 13. Create a New Connection with DHCP
- 14. Activate a New Connection
- 15. Deactivate a Connection
- 16. Delete a Connection
- 17. Change Hostname with nmcli
- 18. Change the DEFROUTE Directive
- 19. Restart Ethernet Connection
- 20. nmcli help
- Conclusion
The nmcli is a command-line tool that can be used for controlling NetworkManager. This tool will help you to display network device status, create, edit, activate/deactivate, delete network connections and also troubleshoot networking in your Linux system. It is very useful for servers and headless machines to control system-wide connections.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the nmcli command to control network connections with examples.
- A server running AlmaLinux 8, CentOS 8 or Rocky Linux 8.
- A root password is set up on your server.
1. Check NetworkManager Status
To check whether the Network Manager is running or not use the following command:
nmcli -t -f RUNNING general
You should see the following output:
To get a general status, run the following command:
nmcli general
You should see the following output:
STATE CONNECTIVITY WIFI-HW WIFI WWAN-HW WWAN connected full enabled enabled enabled enabled
2. Check All Available Device
You can display all available devices in your system, run the following command:
nmcli dev status
You should see the following output:
DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION eth0 ethernet connected System eth0 eth1 ethernet connected System eth1 lo loopback unmanaged --
3. Check Active Connection
To list all active connections in your system, run the following command:
nmcli con show
You should get the following output:
NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE System eth0 5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03 ethernet eth0 System eth1 9c92fad9-6ecb-3e6c-eb4d-8a47c6f50c04 ethernet eth1
4. Display Information About Ethernet Connection
You can display the brief information about the ethernet connection using the following command:
nmcli con show "System eth0"
You should get the following output: System eth0 connection.uuid: 5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03 connection.stable-id: -- connection.type: 802-3-ethernet connection.interface-name: eth0 connection.autoconnect: yes connection.autoconnect-priority: 0 connection.autoconnect-retries: -1 (default) connection.multi-connect: 0 (default) connection.auth-retries: -1 connection.timestamp: 1588217245 no connection.permissions: -- -- connection.master: -- connection.slave-type: -- connection.autoconnect-slaves: -1 (default) connection.secondaries: -- connection.gateway-ping-timeout: 0 connection.metered: unknown cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 | grep BOOTPROTO BOOTPROTO=dhcp
5. Change “Automatically Connect” Directive
By default, all ethernet connections will connect automatically. You can disable it with the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" connection.autoconnect no
You can verify the changes with the following command:
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 | grep ONBOOT
You should see the following output:
6. Change Network Connection BOOTPROTO Directive
You can change the ethernet connection BOOTPROTO directive from static to DHCP using the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" ipv4.method auto
You can now verify the changes with the following command:
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 | grep BOOTPROTO
You should see the following output:
To change the ethernet connection BOOTPROTO directive static to DHCP to static using the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" ipv4.method manual ipv4.address ipv4.gateway
7. Disable IPv6 Address with nmcli
By default, both IPv6 and IPv4 connection is enabled in CentOS 8. You can disable the IPv6 connection wiht the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" ipv6.method ignore
8. Add DNS Server to Existing Connection
To add a new DNS server to an existing connection with the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" ipv4.dns
You can verify the changes with the following command:
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 | grep DNS
You can also append a new DNS server using the +ipv4.dns option:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" +ipv4.dns
9. Remove DNS Server from Existing Connection
To remove the single DNS server from the connection, run the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" -ipv4.dns
To remove the multiple DNS servers from the connection, run the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth1" -ipv4.dns,
10. Add/Edit Connection Interactively
You can also create a new connection or edit an existing connection using an interactive editor.
For example, edit an existing connection, run the following command:
nmcli con edit "System eth1"
You should see the following output:
===| nmcli interactive connection editor |=== Editing existing '802-3-ethernet' connection: 'System eth1' Type 'help' or '?' for available commands. Type 'print' to show all the connection properties. Type 'describe [. ]' for detailed property description. You may edit the following settings: connection, 802-3-ethernet (ethernet), 802-1x, dcb, sriov, ethtool, match, ipv4, ipv6, tc, proxy nmcli>
Now, display an existing IP address, run the following command:
nmcli> print ipv4.address
To set a new IP address, run the following command:
nmcli> set ipv4.address
You can verify and save the connection with the following command:
nmcli> verify
Verify connection: OK
nmcli> save
Connection 'System eth1' (9c92fad9-6ecb-3e6c-eb4d-8a47c6f50c04) successfully updated.
You can now verify the saved connection with the following command:
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 | grep IPADDR
You should see the following output:
11. Monitor Connection Activity
You can also monitor NetworkManager activity using nmcli like changes in the connection state, profiles, devices, etc.
After modifying the ethernet connection, run the following command to monitor it:
nmcli con monitor "System eth1"
12. Create a New Connection with Static IP
You can also create a new static ethernet connection with nmcli. For example, create a new ethernet connection named eth2, IP, Gateway, "onboot=yes" by running the following command:
nmcli con add con-name eth2 type ethernet ifname eth2 ipv4.method manual ipv4.address ipv4.gateway
You should see the following output:
Connection 'eth2' (cefb3f7d-424c-42f8-b4e8-ed54e7dcb880) successfully added.
Now, verify the connection with the following command:
nmcli con
NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE System eth0 5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03 ethernet eth0 System eth1 9c92fad9-6ecb-3e6c-eb4d-8a47c6f50c04 ethernet eth1 eth2 cefb3f7d-424c-42f8-b4e8-ed54e7dcb880 ethernet eth2
13. Create a New Connection with DHCP
You can also create a new DHCP connection with nmcli. For example, create a new DHCP ethernet connection named eth3 with the following command:
nmcli con add con-name eth3 type ethernet ifname eth3 ipv4.method auto
You should see the following output:
Connection 'eth3' (ff54dbd6-255d-4935-abc8-73773bef5b55) successfully added.
14. Activate a New Connection
To activate the new ethernet connection eth2, run the following command:
nmcli con up eth2
You should see the following output:
Connection successfully activated
You can now verify the active connection with the following command:
nmcli con show --active
You should see the following output:
NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE System eth0 5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03 ethernet eth0 System eth1 9c92fad9-6ecb-3e6c-eb4d-8a47c6f50c04 ethernet eth1 eth2 cefb3f7d-424c-42f8-b4e8-ed54e7dcb880 ethernet eth2
15. Deactivate a Connection
To deactivate the connection eth2, run the following command:
nmcli con down eth2
16. Delete a Connection
You can also delete a specific ethernet connection with nmcli.
For example, to delete a connection eth2, run the following command:
nmcli con del eth2
You should see the following output:
Connection 'eth2' (cefb3f7d-424c-42f8-b4e8-ed54e7dcb880) successfully deleted.
17. Change Hostname with nmcli
To find the current hostname of your system, run the following command:
nmcli general hostname
You should see the following output:
Next, change the hostname from centos8 to Linux using the following command:
nmcli general hostname linux
Next, verify the hostname with the following command:
nmcli general hostname
You should see the following output:
18. Change the DEFROUTE Directive
The DEFROUTE directive is used to disable and enable the default gateway of your ethernet connection.
To enable the DEFROUTE directive for eth2 run the following command:
nmcli con mod "System eth2" ipv4.never-default yes
19. Restart Ethernet Connection
You can restart or reload your ethernet connection with the following command:
nmcli con reload
20. nmcli help
To get more information about nmcli command, run the following command:
nmcli --help
You should see the following output:
Usage: nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT { COMMAND | help } OPTIONS -a, --ask ask for missing parameters -c, --colors auto|yes|no whether to use colors in output -e, --escape yes|no escape columns separators in values -f, --fields <field,...>|all|common specify fields to output -g, --get-values <field,...>|all|common shortcut for -m tabular -t -f -h, --help print this help -m, --mode tabular|multiline output mode -o, --overview overview mode -p, --pretty pretty output -s, --show-secrets allow displaying passwords -t, --terse terse output -v, --version show program version -w, --waitset timeout waiting for finishing operations OBJECT g[eneral] NetworkManager's general status and operations n[etworking] overall networking control r[adio] NetworkManager radio switches c[onnection] NetworkManager's connections d[evice] devices managed by NetworkManager a[gent] NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent m[onitor] monitor NetworkManager changes
In the above guide, we learned how to use nmcli to manage and control ethernet connections in RHEL 8 clones like AlmaLinux, centOS, or Rocky Linux. I hope you can now easily add, edit or create a new connection with nmcli. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.