How to integrate Alfresco with ONLYOFFICE Online Editor on Ubuntu 14.04

This guide will describe how to use the onlyoffice-alfresco script to allow users to co-edit documents from an Alfresco Share from in ONLYOFFICE Online Editors. Alfresco Share is built on Alfresco’s innovative ECM repository and delivers out-of-the-box collaborative content management. Alfresco Share simplifies capturing, sharing, and retrieval of information across virtual teams; boosts productivity; and reduces network bandwidth requirements and email volumes between project team members. (from Alfresco Documentation).

Integrate Alfresco with ONLYOFFICE Online Editors


  • ONLYOFFICE Document Server
  • Java 7 SDK or above
  • Gradle

Step 1. Install ONLYOFFICE Document Server

Follow these instructions to install ONLYOFFICE Document Server or use the automated Docker image to avoid dependency errors.

Step 2. Install Gradle

Add the Gradle repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle

Update the package

sudo apt-get update

Install the latest Gradle version

sudo apt-get install gradle

If you have Gradle installed on your machine, please remove it first using the following command:

sudo apt-get remove gradle

Step 3. Install Oracle Java 8

To install the latest stable Oracle Java 8 version, execute the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Step 4. Switch to alternatives

Switch the java alternatives to Oracle java.

sudo update-alternatives --config java 
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws

Step 5. Build all the necessary dependencies

Now we download the alfresco Plugin from git and build it.

git clone 
cd amp-plugin 
gradle publish

Step 6. Copy the onlyoffice-alfresco plugin

cd ..
git clone

Step 7. Run gradle amp from the share and repo directories

Step 8. Add onlyoffice.url to the file

Step 9. Load the created packages from ./build/amp to the amps/ and amps_share/ directories of your Alfresco installation respectively.

Step 10. Run the bin/ script. You will see two modules installed. Press Enter to complete the installation process.

Once installed, the new Edit in Onlyoffice action will be created within the document library for office documents.

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