There is a new version of this tutorial available for Xubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr).

The Perfect Desktop - Xubuntu 12.04 - Page 4

This tutorial exists for these OS versions

On this page

  1. 10 Google Earth
  2. 11 Opera
  3. 12 Skype for 64 bit Systems
  4. 13 Nightingale
  5. 14 Links

10 Google Earth

In chapter 7, if you chose Google Earth over Marble, you have installed the package googleearth-package which is a utility to automatically build a .deb package of Google Earth. This means, Google Earth is not yet installed; we have to first build a .deb package of it with the help of googleearth-package, and then install the .deb package.

Open a terminal and become root:

sudo su

Now you can build the Google Earth .deb package as follows:

make-googleearth-package --force
Package: googleearth
Section: non-free/science
Priority: optional
Maintainer:  <root@howtoforge-VirtualBox>
Architecture: amd64
Depends: ttf-dejavu | ttf-bitstream-vera | msttcorefonts, libfreeimage3, lsb-core, libqtcore4, libgl1-mesa-glx , ia32-libs-gtk , msttcorefonts
Suggests: lib32nss-mdns, libgl1-nvidia-glx-ia32
Description: Google Earth, a 3D map/planet viewer
 Package built with googleearth-package.
dpkg-deb: building package `googleearth' in `./googleearth_6.0.3.2197+0.7.0-1_amd64.deb'.
You can now install the package with e.g. sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb

If you don't see any errors, then you should find the Google Earth .deb package in the current directory:

ls -l
root@howtoforge-VirtualBox:~# ls -l
total 67196
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35118382 May 11 15:32 googleearth_6.0.3.2197+0.7.0-1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33688483 May 19  2011 GoogleEarthLinux.bin

I want to install the .deb package using gdebi which takes care of all dependencies.

gdebi googleearth_6.0.3.2197+0.7.0-1_amd64.deb


11 Opera

If you like Opera more than Firefox or Chromium, you have to download it directly from their website. Open a browser and go to; select Ubuntu as the distribution and then default package and click on the Download Opera button:

A download dialogue should come up. Select Save File:

The package will be saved in your default download folder, which is the Downloads folder in your personal folder. Open a terminal and install it from there as follows (replace my username with yours and the version of Opera with the one you downloaded, if it has changed since this writing):

cd /home/howtoforge/Downloads/
gdebi opera_11.64.1403_amd64.deb


12 Skype for 64 bit Systems

While Skype is only available for 32 bit systems in the Ubuntu repository, you can download it for 64 bit systems on their homepage. Therefore go on and select the right version to download:

The package will be saved in your default download folder, which is the Downloads folder in your personal folder. Open a terminal and install it from there as follows (replace my username with yours and the version of Skype with the one you downloaded, if it has changed since this writing):

cd /home/howtoforge/Downloads/
gdebi skype-ubuntu_2.2.0.35-1_amd64.deb


13 Nightingale

Nightingale is not available in the Ubuntu repositories and has to be downloaded from their website at Click on the great download button and open the downloaded archive with the archive manager. The application doesn't need to be installed since it can be started directly from the downloaded directory.


You are welcome to leave recommendations for software in the comments for the next issues!

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