Set Up A Full-Featured Mail Server With iRedOS: MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot, ClamAV, SpamAssassin, RoundCube/SquirrelMail - Page 2

Now the CentOS installation has finished, start to install iredmail; if you selected No, the system would reboot and would not install iredmail.

Choose the directory that will be used to store users' mailboxes.

Choose the backend to store virtual domains and virtual users. Here we use MySQL.

Set the MySQL root password:

Set the password for the MySQL account vmailadmin:

Set first virtual domain:

Set the admin user for the first virtual domain you set above. e.g. postmaster.

Set a password for the admin user you set above.

Create the first normal user. e.g. www.

Create a password for the normal user you set above.

Now you have the choice whether you want to enable SPF validation and DKIM signing/verification or not.

Select optional components, you can choose between RoundCube or SquirrelMail as webmail programs.
Awstat user account: [email protected], for more details read the file /root/iRedMail/

Select the default language for your webmail application:

Set a global admin user. It can manage all virtual domains and users in postfixadmin:

Set a mail alias address for the root user:

The installation is now finished, please reboot the machine:


4 Important Things You Should Know After Installation


5 Access Webmail And Other Web-Based Programs

After the installation is complete, you can access web-based programs if you've chosen to install them:

Component URL Access via HTTP Access via HTTPS Comment
RoundCubeMail-0.2.1 http://your_server/mail/ (or /webmail, /roundcube) YES YES Recommand webmail
SquirrelMail-1.4.19 http://your_server/squirrelmail/ (or /squirrel) YES YES webmail
PostfixAdmin- https://your_server/postfixadmin/ No YES Only Mysql Backend
phpMyAdmin- https://your_server/phpmyadmin/ (or /mysql) NO YES
phpLDAPadmin- https://your_server/ldap/ (or /phpldapadmin) NO YES Only LDAP Backend
Awstats-6.9 https://your_server/awstats/ (or / NO YES

Note: Replace your_server with your server hostname or IP address.

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