Set Up Postfix DKIM With dkim-milter
This howto has been superseded by
DKIM is an authentication framework which stores public-keys in DNS and digitally signs emails on a domain basis. It was created as a result of merging Yahoo's domainkeys and Cisco's Identified Internet mail specification. It is defined in RFC 4871.
We will be using the milter implementation of dkim on CentOS 5.1
Install the rpm, ignore dependencies as csh is a dependency but it does not affect dkim-milter; it's only required for some sample scripts that are shipped with the rpm.
rpm -Uvh --nodeps
mkdir /etc/dkim-milter
chown dkim-milt.dkim-milt /etc/dkim-milter
chmod 700 /etc/dkim-milter
chgrp postfix /var/run/dkim-milter
chmod 770 /var/run/dkim-milter
Generate The Keys
Download this script that you can use to easily generate the keys for signing the mail:
./ -d <domainname>
Replace <domainname> with the domain name you will be signing mail for. This will create two files default.txt and default.private, default.txt is the line you need to add to your zone file - a sample is below:
default._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDG81CNNVOlWwfhENOZEnJKNlikTB3Dnb5kUC8/zvht/S8SQnx+YgZ/KG7KOus0By8cIDDvwn3ElVRVQ6Jhz/HcvPU5DXCAC5owLBf/gX5tvAnjF1vSL8ZBetxquVHyJQpMFH3VW37m/mxPTGmDL+zJVW+CKpUcI8BJD03iW2l1CwIDAQAB" ; ----- DKIM default for
default.private contains your private key. Move this file into /etc/dkim-milter and rename it <domainname>_default.key.pem:
mv default.private /etc/dkim-milter/<domainname>_default.key.pem
Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/dkim-milter and set the variables:
USER="dkim-milt" PORT=local:/var/run/dkim-milter/dkim.sock SIGNING_DOMAIN="<domainname>" SELECTOR_NAME="default" KEYFILE="/etc/dkim-milter/${SIGNING_DOMAIN}_${SELECTOR_NAME}.key.pem" SIGNER=yes VERIFIER=yes CANON=simple SIGALG=rsa-sha1 REJECTION="bad=r,dns=t,int=t,no=a,miss=r" EXTRA_ARGS="-h -l -D"
Init Script Fix
Install my modified init script as the one that is supplied with the rpm has a bug.
wget -O /etc/init.d/dkim-milter
chkconfig --level 345 dkim-milter on
service dkim-milter start
Configure Postfix
Add this to the postfix configuration file /etc/postfix/
smtpd_milters = unix:/var/run/dkim-milter/dkim.sock non_smtpd_milters = unix:/var/run/dkim-milter/dkim.sock
Append to the existing milters if you have other milters already configured.
Start dkim-milter and restart Postfix:
service dkim-milter start
service postfix restart
Send a message to [email protected]; the system will return a response to let you know if DKIM is working. Examine the headers of mails from domains like gmail to see if your system is checking the DKIM signatures of inbound mail.
DKIM mail in Gmail