The Perfect Setup - Fedora Core 4 - Page 5


ISPConfig works better with proftpd than with vsftpd, so let's remove vsftpd and install proftpd:

apt-get remove vsftpd
yum install proftpd
chkconfig --levels 235 proftpd on
/etc/init.d/proftpd start

Some users reported that they were not able to login with system users so you might have to do the following steps:

Create the file /etc/pam.d/ftp with the following content:

auth required nullok
account required
session required

Restart proftpd afterwards:

/etc/init.d/proftpd restart


To install webalizer, just run

apt-get install webalizer

Synchronize the System Clock

If you want to have the system clock synchronized with an NTP server do the following:

apt-get install rdate

rdate -s

Create /var/spool/cron/root:

# update time with ntp server
0 3,9,15,21 * * * /usr/bin/rdate -s | logger -t NTP

Then run

chmod 600 /var/spool/cron/root
/etc/init.d/crond restart

Install some Perl Modules needed by SpamAssassin (comes with ISPConfig)

Installation using the Perl Shell

Login to your command line as root and run the following command to start the Perl shell:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

If you run the Perl shell for the first time you will be asked some questions. In most cases the default answers are ok.

Please note: If you run a firewall on your system you might have to turn it off while working on the Perl shell in order for the Perl shell to be able to fetch the needed modules without a big delay. You can switch it on afterwards.

The big advantage of the Perl shell compared to the two other methods described here is that it cares about dependencies when installing new modules. I.e., if it turns out that a prerequisite Perl module is missing when you install another module the Perl shell asks you if it should install the prerequisite module for you. You should answer that question with "Yes".

Run the following commands to install the modules needed by SpamAssassin:

install HTML::Parser
install DB_File
install Net::DNS
(when prompted to enable tests, choose no)
install Digest::SHA1
(to leave the Perl shell)

If a module is already installed on your system you will get a message similar to this one:

HTML::Parser is up to date.

Successful installation of a module looks like this:

/usr/bin/make install -- OK

The End

The configuration of the server is now finished, and if you wish you can now install ISPConfig on it.

A Note On SuExec

If you want to run CGI scripts under suExec, you should specify /var/www as the home directory for websites created by ISPConfig as Fedora's suExec is compiled with /var/www as Doc_Root. Run /usr/sbin/suexec -V, and the output should look like this:

To select /var/www as the home directory for websites during the installation of ISPConfig do the following: When you are asked for the installation mode, select the expert mode.

Later during the installation you are asked if the default directory /home/www should be the directory where ISPConfig will create websites in. Answer n and enter /var/www as the home directory for websites.


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