Installing Xbox Media Center (XBMC) On Fedora 9 (i386) - Page 2
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2 Creating A Launcher For XBMC
If you don't want to start XBMC from the command line, you can create a launcher for it. First, we have to find out where the xbmc executable is located, so in the terminal, type:
which xbmc
This shows you the full path to the xbmc executable (provided that it is located in the PATH):
[falko@localhost ~]$ which xbmc
[falko@localhost ~]$
Now right-click on Applications and select Edit Menus:
Select Sound & Video and click on the New Item button:
The Create Launcher window comes up. Fill on XBMC as the Name and the path to the xbmc executable (/usr/local/bin/xbmc in my case) in the Command field and click on OK:
Then close the menu editor.
Afterwards you can start XBMC by going to Applications > Sound & Video > XBMC:
3 Links
- Fedora: