Installing Nictool On CentOS 5 - Page 2

12. Add this line in httpd.conf file

[root@server ~]# nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
<IfDefine !MODPERL2> 
PerlFreshRestart On
PerlTaintCheck Off
Listen 8082
PerlRequire /var/www/html/NicToolServer/nictoolserver.conf
PerlRequire /var/www/html/NicToolClient/lib/nictoolclient.conf

KeepAlive Off

<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler NicToolServer

<Location /soap>
SetHandler perl-script
# ATTENTION: Comment out one or the other!
#PerlResponseHandler Apache::SOAP
PerlResponseHandler Apache2::SOAP
PerlSetVar dispatch_to "/var/www/html/NicToolServer, NicToolServer::SOAP"


13. Restart service apache and run service mysql

[root@server ~]# service httpd restart
[root@server ~]# service mysqld start


14. Create database

[root@server ~]# cd /var/www/html/NicToolServer/sql/
[root@server sql]# perl
               NicTool database connection settings
Please enter database hostname [localhost]:
Please enter database root password:
Please enter a name for the NicTool database [nictool]:
Please enter a username for NicTool's database user [nictool]:

                 NicTool admin user (root) settings
Please enter a new root password for NicTool:
Please enter a verify password:
Please enter an email address for the root user of NicTool: [email protected]

Beginning table creation.
If any of the information you entered is incorrect, press Control-C now!
DATABASE DSN:  mysql://nictool:******@localhost/nictool
host: localhost
db  : nictool
user: nictool
   *** the DSN info must match the settings in nictoolserver.conf! ***

NICTOOL LOGIN: http://localhost/index.cgi
user :  root
pass :  *******
email:  [email protected]
Otherwise, hit return to continue...

importing contents of nt_group.sql .. done.
importing contents of nt_summary.sql .. done.
importing contents of nt_nameserver.sql .. done.
importing contents of nt_zone.sql .. done.
importing contents of nt_perm.sql .. done.
importing contents of nt_user.sql .. done.
importing contents of temp.sql .. done.


15. And then edit file nictoolserver.conf and fill in the correct MySQL settings

[root@server sql]# cd ..
[root@server NicToolServer]# nano nictoolserver.conf
$NicToolServer::db_engine = 'mysql';
$NicToolServer::db_host = 'localhost';
$NicToolServer::db_port = 3306;
$NicToolServer::db = 'nictool';
$NicToolServer::db_user = 'nictool';
$NicToolServer::db_pass = '';


16. Restart apache

[root@server NicToolServer]# service httpd restart
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