How to use Cloudformation to create a VPC on AWS

Using Cloudformation, we can create and manage AWS resources very easily.  Cloudformation can be used to manage all AWS resources using a text file. Cloudformation allows us to create and model our infrastructure and applications without having to perform actions manually. Cloudformation helps us to manage our complete infrastructure in a text file, or template. Cloudformation template is a formatted text file in JSON or YAML language that describes our AWS infrastructure. 

In this article, we will see a Cloudformation to create a VPC with 2 Public and 2 Private Subnets.


  1. AWS Account (Create if you don’t have one). 
  2. Basic understanding of Cloudformation Templates.

What we will do?

  1. Login to AWS.
  2. Create a template.
  3. Create a Cloudformation Stack 

Login to AWS

  1. Click here to go to AWS Login Page.

When we hit the above link, we will see a web page as follows where we are required to login using our login details.

Login to AWS

Once we login into AWS successfully, we will see the main console with all the services listed as follows.

AWS Management Console

Create a template

Before we proceed with creating a stack, we should have a template that will be used to create a VPC. Copy the following code and save in on a local machine.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >
  This Templates creates a VPC with 3 public and 3 private subnets.
    DescriptionVPC CIDR (Do Not Change if no customization is required). 
    DescriptionSubnet CIDR for 1st Availability Zone (Do Not Change if no customization is required).
    DescriptionSubnet CIDR for 2nd Availability Zone (Do Not Change if no customization is required).
    DescriptionSubnet CIDR for 3rd Availability Zone (Do Not Change if no customization is required).
    DescriptionSubnet CIDR for 1st Availability Zone (Do Not Change if no customization is required).
    DescriptionSubnet CIDR for 2nd Availability Zone (Do Not Change if no customization is required).
    DescriptionSubnet CIDR for 3rd Availability Zone (Do Not Change if no customization is required). 
      - Label:
          - VpcCIDR
      - Label:
          defaultAvailabilty Zone 1
          - PublicAZ1SubnetCIDR
          - PrivateAZ1SubnetCIDR
      - Label:
          defaultAvailabilty Zone 1
          - PublicAZ2SubnetCIDR
          - PrivateAZ2SubnetCIDR
      - Label:
          defaultAvailabilty Zone 1
          - PublicAZ3SubnetCIDR
          - PrivateAZ3SubnetCIDR
      CidrBlock!Ref VpcCIDR
        - KeyName
          Value!Sub ${AWS::StackName}
        - KeyName
          Value!Sub ${AWS::StackName}
      InternetGatewayId!Ref InternetGateway
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
  # Public Subnets - Route Table
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
        - KeyName
          Value!Sub ${AWS::StackName}-public
        - KeyType
      RouteTableId!Ref PublicRouteTable
      GatewayId!Ref InternetGateway
  # Public Subnets
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
      CidrBlock!Ref PublicAZ1SubnetCIDR
      AvailabilityZone!Select [0!GetAZs ""]
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-public-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [0!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      SubnetId!Ref PublicAZ1Subnet
      RouteTableId!Ref PublicRouteTable
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
      CidrBlock!Ref PublicAZ2SubnetCIDR
      AvailabilityZone!Select [1!GetAZs ""]
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-public-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [1!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      SubnetId!Ref PublicAZ2Subnet
      RouteTableId!Ref PublicRouteTable
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
      CidrBlock!Ref PublicAZ3SubnetCIDR
      AvailabilityZone!Select [2!GetAZs ""]
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-public-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [2!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      SubnetId!Ref PublicAZ3Subnet
      RouteTableId!Ref PublicRouteTable
  # Private Subnets - NAT Gateways
      AllocationId!GetAtt AZ1NatGatewayEIP.AllocationId
      SubnetId!Ref PublicAZ1Subnet
      AllocationId!GetAtt AZ2NatGatewayEIP.AllocationId
      SubnetId!Ref PublicAZ2Subnet
      AllocationId!GetAtt AZ3NatGatewayEIP.AllocationId
      SubnetId!Ref PublicAZ3Subnet
  # Private Subnets
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
      CidrBlock!Ref PrivateAZ1SubnetCIDR
      AvailabilityZone!Select [0!GetAZs ""]
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-private-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [0!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-private-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [0!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      RouteTableId!Ref PrivateAZ1RouteTable
      NatGatewayId!Ref AZ1NatGateway
      SubnetId!Ref PrivateAZ1Subnet
      RouteTableId!Ref PrivateAZ1RouteTable
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
      CidrBlock!Ref PrivateAZ2SubnetCIDR
      AvailabilityZone!Select [1!GetAZs ""]
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-private-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [1!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-private-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [1!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      RouteTableId!Ref PrivateAZ2RouteTable
      NatGatewayId!Ref AZ2NatGateway
      SubnetId!Ref PrivateAZ2Subnet
      RouteTableId!Ref PrivateAZ2RouteTable
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
      CidrBlock!Ref PrivateAZ3SubnetCIDR
      AvailabilityZone!Select [2!GetAZs ""]
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-private-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [2!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      VpcId!Ref Vpc
        - KeyName
            - ${AWS::StackName}-private-${AZ}
            - { AZ!Select [2!GetAZs ""] }
        - KeyType
      RouteTableId!Ref PrivateAZ3RouteTable
      NatGatewayId!Ref AZ3NatGateway
      SubnetId!Ref PrivateAZ3Subnet
      RouteTableId!Ref PrivateAZ3RouteTable
    DescriptionVPC Id
    Value!Ref Vpc
      Name!Sub "${AWS::StackName}-VPC-ID"

Create a Cloudformation Stack

To create a Cloudformation Stack, click on “Services” in the top left and search for “Cloudformation”.

Cloudformation Stack

On the main dashboard, click on “Create stack” -> "With new resorces(standard)".

Create Stack

The stack needs a template file which can be a local file or an object file in the S3 Bucket. Since we will be having a local template, click on “Template is ready” -> “Upload a template file”, click on “Choose file” and select the local template file and proceed further.

Stack template

Give a name to the stack, keep all other parameters unchanged.

Stack name and parameters

Give Tags if required.


Scroll down the page and click on “Create stack”

Create stack

This will take some time, wait till then.


You can see the status or event taking place under “Events” tab.


Now, you can go to VPC and check for the VPC that got created. To go to VPC, click on “Services” at the top and left search for VPC.


In the main dashboard, you can see the number of VPC, Subnets, Route Tables, Internet Gateway, Nat Gateway which got created.

Launch VPC

You can delete the VPC by just deleting the Stack if you no more need it.

List of created Stacks


In this article, we saw the steps to create a Cloudformation Stack to create a VPC with 2 Public and 2 Private Subnet.

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