Chrome Remote Desktop Sharing feature in Ubuntu
Version 1.0
Author: Srijan Kishore
Last edited: 11/July/2014
In this tutorial I will introduce you with the Chrome remote Desktop sharing feature. This is an alternate as similar to team-viewer type property for sharing the screen with remote clients. It seems to be very useful for remote desktop control features. I will install the webplugin in Ubuntu 14.04 .
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
1 Preliminary Note
To use this feature you must have Google-chrome browser installed at both end, i.e. at host machine and at remote machine. Firstly I will explain to install the plugin in Ubuntu 14.04
2 Ubuntu 14.04
To install this feature you must have google-chrome installed in your Ubuntu desktop. You can download chrome from this link.
Further you need a google account to handle/install the plugin in the chrome installed in your machine. I will be using my personal gmail account [email protected]
To install the first login in the chrome with your gmail account with link chrome://chrome-signin/?source=7
Now goto the link to download the plugin from the chromestore.
Click on free 7 download the plugin utility.
Now you can see the feature added in the chrome as shown above. Further Click onthe Chrome remote Desktop, it will popup as follows:
Press Continue:
To move ahead press Accept:
Now Press Get Started In Remote assistance:
It will popup for a download, just download the file.
Then we will install its dependencies first as follows:
sudo apt-get install xvfb python-psutil
Then I will install the base file which is just downloaded before in my Dowloads:
cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb
Congrats you have almost done. Now you will get the option for the Share & access:
OR you can access the above URL from chrome-extension://gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp/main.html:
3 Remote connections
Now I want to use the functionality of the plugin. In the same way I have a windows machine in which chrome is installed with the plugin & when I press for the Access it generates a code which will be used at second party to get the remote access.
Now you can share the generated code with your distant partner & get the access of the windows machine.
It will share the machine with the distant partner as in my case I have accessed the windows machine through my ubuntu14.04 with the Chrome Remote plugin.
Further you can operate the distant windows machine with ease.
Congrats you have done with the Chrome Remote desktop sharing. :)