Groupware Server With Group-Office, Postfix, Dovecot And SpamAssassin On Debian Lenny (5.0) - Page 4

Install the serverclient

The serverclient module for Group-Office can automatically create new mailboxes when you create a new user. Install the module and add the following to the Group-Office config.php file:

Note: If you have multiple Group-Office installations and one to manage Postfix, you can add these values to: /etc/groupoffice/ All Group-Office installations will use these values then. You probably want to configure the serverclient_domains per installation in their config.php files.

#GO will connect to this installation to add a mailbox
#The admin account of GO. Remember to change the password here too if you change it.
#comma separated list of mailbox domains
#The email account properties that will be added for the user
$config['serverclient_mbroot'] = '';
$config['serverclient_use_ssl'] = '0';
$config['serverclient_novalidate_cert'] = '0';

The module will connect using curl functions so the php5 curl extension is required for this to work.



Now it should work! Restart Postfix, SpamAssassin and Dovecot and start testing!

Log in to Group-Office and add a domain and mailbox. Now go to the e-mail module and add an e-mail account:

E-mail -> Settings -> Accounts -> Add


Host: localhost
User: [email protected]
Pass: The password you set

Now send a test mail!

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