Enabling Compiz Fusion On A Debian Squeeze Desktop (Nvidia GeForce 8200) - Page 2
5 Adding More Effects
To enable more Compiz Fusion effects, open the CompizConfig Settings Manager again. You can select more effects under Desktop...
... and Effects:
To get the desktop cube working that you've probably seen everywhere on the Internet, we need four workspaces. If you only have two workspaces (take a look at the bottom right corner of your desktop:
), do the following to add two more workspaces: in the CompizConfig Settings Manager, go to General > General Options:
Now go to the Desktop Size tab and select 4 in the Horizontal Virtual Size field:
This should give you four workspaces...
... and you can now use your desktop cube (CTRL+ALT+DRAG LEFT MOUSE = rotate cube):
6 Keyboard Shortcuts
Here's a list of the most common Compiz Fusion keyboard shortcuts. If they work for you depends on what effects you enabled in the CompizConfig Settings Manager.
SUPER+SHIFT+C = clear fire
CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW = rotate cube
CTRL+ALT+DOWN ARROW = flat desktop
SHIFT+ALT+UP = initiate window picker
CTRL+ALT+DOWN = unfold cube
ALT+TAB = window switch
SUPER+TAB = flip switcher or ring switcher, depending on which is enabled.
ALT+F7 = initiate 'move windows'
SHIFT+F9 = water effect
SHIFT+F10 = slow animations
CTRL+ALT+D = show desktop
For Grouping and Tabbing:
SUPER+S = select single window
SUPER+T = tab group
SUPER+Left = change left tab
SUPER+Right = change right tab
SUPER+G = group windows
SUPER+U = ungroup windows
SUPER+R = remove group window
SUPER+C = close group
SUPER+X = ignore group
Hold the SUPER button then select the windows you want to group and then hit SUPER+G.
The SUPER key is the Windows key on most keyboards.
7 Make Compiz Fusion Start Automatically
Of course, you want Compiz Fusion to start automatically whenever you boot your desktop (instead of having to start Fusion Icon manually and then right-click the icon and select Reload Window Manager). To do this, go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications:
On the Startup Programs tab, click on the Add button to create a new startup job:
In the Add Startup Program dialog, fill in a name for the program (e.g. Fusion Icon); in the Command field, you must fill in fusion-icon (written exactly like this!); you can leave the Comment field empty. Click on the Add button afterwards:
That's it! Now whenever you start the desktop, Compiz Fusion will start automatically.
8 Links
- Compiz Fusion: http://www.compiz-fusion.org/
- Debian: http://www.debian.org/