Retrieving Emails From Remote Servers With getmail (Debian Etch) - Page 3

6 A Sample Configuration File

This is how my ~/.getmail/getmailrc file looks in the end:

vi ~/.getmail/getmailrc
type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server = pop.someprovider.tld
username = [email protected]
password = secret

type = Maildir
path = ~/Maildir/

verbose = 1
read_all = false
delete = true
message_log_syslog = true

type = Filter_classifier
path = /usr/bin/clamdscan
arguments = ("--stdout", "--no-summary", "-")
exitcodes_keep = (1, )

type = Filter_external
path = /usr/bin/spamc
arguments = ("-s 250000", )


7 Further Configuration Examples

You can find further configuration examples on and in the getmailrc-examples file that comes with the getmail .tar.gz file that you can download from Here's the contents of that file:

# This file contains various examples of configuration sections to use
# in your getmail rc file. You need one file for each mail account you
# want to retrieve mail from. These files should be placed in your
# getmail configuration/data directory (default: $HOME/.getmail/).
# If you only need one rc file, name it getmailrc in that directory,
# and you won't need to supply any commandline options to run getmail.

# Example 1: simplest case of retrieving mail from one POP3 server and
# storing all messages in a maildir.

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/

# Example 2: same as (1), but operate quietly, delete messages from
# the server after retrieving them, and log getmail's actions to a file.

verbose = 0
delete = true
message_log = ~/.getmail/log

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/

# Example 3: same as (1), but the mail account is accessed via IMAP4 instead
# of POP3.

type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/

# Example 4: same as (3), but retrieve mail from the INBOX, INBOX.spam, and
# mailing-lists.getmail-users mail folders.

type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword
mailboxes = ("INBOX", "INBOX.spam", "mailing-lists.getmail-users")

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/

# Example 5: same as (3), but move messages to the mail folder "sent-mail"
# after retrieving them. Note that you do this by setting delete and
# move_on_delete options.

delete = true

type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword
move_on_delete = sent-mail

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/

# Example 6: same as (1), but deliver the messages to an mboxrd-format mbox
# file as user "jeffp".

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = Mboxrd
path = ~jeffp/Mail/inbox
user = jeffp

# Example 7: same as (1), but deliver the messages through an external MDA
# which takes several arguments.

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = MDA_external
path = /usr/local/bin/my-mda
arguments = ("--message-from-stdin", "--scan-message", "--to-maildir",

# Example 8: retrieve mail from a corporate POP3-SSL domain mailbox,
# sort messages for several local users and deliver to maildirs in their
# home directories (except Sam, who likes mbox files, and Christina, who
# uses procmail for further sorting), and deliver all other mail to
# Joe, who serves as postmaster for the company. Sam also needs
# to receive mail for "sam1", "sam23", etc, so we use a regular expression
# matching "sam" plus zero or more decimal digits.

type = MultidropPOP3SSLRetriever
server =
username = companylogin
password = mailpassword
# Our domain mailbox mailhost records the envelope recipient address in a
# new Delivered-To: header field at the top of the message.
envelope_recipient = delivered-to:1

type = MultiSorter
default = [postmaster]
locals = (
("[email protected]", "[jeff]"),
("[email protected]", "[martin]"),
(r"sam\D*", "[sam]"),
("[email protected]", "[christina-procmail]")

type = Maildir
path = ~joe/Mail/postmaster/
user = joe

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/
user = jeffp

type = Maildir
path = ~martinh/Maildir/
user = martinh

type = Mboxrd
path = ~sam/Mail/inbox
user = sam

type = MDA_external
path = /usr/local/bin/procmail
# procmail requires either that the message starts with an mboxrd-style
# "From " line (which getmail can generate by setting "unixfrom" to True), or
# that the -f option is provided as below.
arguments = ("-f", "%(sender)", "-m", "/home/christina/.procmailrc")
user = christina

# Example 9: same as (3), but use SpamAssassin to filter out spam,
# and ClamAV to filter out MS worms.

type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = Filter_external
path = /usr/local/bin/spamc

type = Filter_classifier
path = /usr/local/bin/clamscan
arguments = ("--stdout", "--no-summary",
"--mbox", "--infected", "-")
exitcodes_drop = (1,)

type = Maildir
path = ~jeffp/Maildir/

# Example 10: same as (3), but deliver all mail to two different local
# mailboxes.

type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = MultiDestination
destinations = (

# Example 11: retrieve mail from a simple (non-multidrop) POP3 mailbox.
# Then extract addresses from the message header (see documentation for which
# fields are examined), and deliver mail containing the address
# <[email protected]> to ~/Mail/lists/list1/, mail containing the
# address <[email protected]> to ~/Mail/lists/list2/,
# mail containing the address <[email protected]> to ~/Mail/other/,
# and all other mail gets delivered through the external MDA program
# "my-mda" with some default arguments.

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = jeff.plotzky
password = mailpassword

type = MultiGuesser
default = [my-mda]
locals = (
("[email protected]", "~/Mail/lists/list1/"),
("[email protected]", "~/Mail/lists/list2/"),
("[email protected]", "~/Mail/other/"),

type = MDA_external
path = /path/to/my-mda
arguments = ("-f", "%(sender)", "${HOME}/.mymdarc")

Also take a look at the getmail man page:

man getmail 

to learn more about available command line parameters that you can pass to getmail.


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