Debian Wheezy Local Git Server With Git Lite Workflow - Page 4
Hot bug fix in released code.
Alice noticed that the README file for public version 0.0.2 release still refers to version 0.0.1. She decides to create a hot bug fix for this.
Note that the stability in branch next may not be such that it can be merged into master to correct the bug in the already released code.
Alice updates branch next before she creates a new hot bug fix topic branch from a suitable point in the commit history.
Switch (sw) to (2) branch next:
$ git sw2 next
$ git pull
After the pull, history looks like:
$ git vhi
* a57f287 - (HEAD, depot/next, next)added perl license(26 minutes ago) <bill>
* 8d51eac -Merge branch 'build-license' into next(56 minutes ago) <bill>
| * 40f6a65 -use perl license(67 minutes ago) <bill>
* b437a9c - (v0.0.2, origin/master, master)version 0.0.2(2 hours ago) <alice>
* 5164966 -Merge branch 'milkshake' into next(2 hours ago) <alice>
| * 2eed2f7 -Added ice cream(3 hours ago) <alice>
| * 45cdbf2 -Added banana(3 hours ago) <alice>
| * d96a45c -Added milk(3 hours ago) <alice>
* 384b71b -Initial commit(3 hours ago) <alice>
Create a new (n) branch (br) named bugfix1. Branch from commit b437a9c or use git tag v0.0.2 for this new branch:
$ git nbr bugfix1 v0.0.2
This branch bugfix1 points at the last public release:
$ git vhi
* b437a9c - (HEAD, v0.0.2, origin/master, master, bugfix1)version 0.0.2(2 hours ago) <alice>
* 5164966 -Merge branch 'milkshake' into next(3 hours ago) <alice>
| * 2eed2f7 -Added ice cream(3 hours ago) <alice>
| * 45cdbf2 -Added banana(3 hours ago) <alice>
| * d96a45c -Added milk(3 hours ago) <alice>
* 384b71b -Initial commit(3 hours ago) <alice>
Fix the bug in the README file:
$ nano README
< change version to '0.0.3' and save file >
Update the Changes file:
$ nano Changes
< add change text describing version 0.0.3 and save file >
Finally add and commit:
$ git add --all
$ git sta
$ git com -m 'Bug#1: wrong version in README'
While working in branch next, tag the new public release before merging with branch master:
$ git tag -a v0.0.3 -m 'version 0.0.3'
Switch (sw) to (2) branch master :
$ git sw2 master
View (v) all branches (br):
$ git vbr
* master
Merge changes into master with option fast-forward (always):
$ git mef bugfix1
Updating b437a9c..a407b79
Changes | 3 +++
README | 2 +-
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Finally, push this bug fix to the public Github repository:
$ git push
Merge back the bug fix into the integration branch.
Switch branch to next:
$ git sw2 next
View (v) all branches (br):
$ git vbr
* next
Merge the bug fix into next (always recursive, when not in master):
$ git mer bugfix1
Auto-merging Changes
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Changes
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
Git puts help marks in the Changes file to show conflicting text lines. Edit the file with:
$ nano Changes
Original file:
Revision history for My-Module <<<<<<< HEAD [% nextrev %] Use perl license. ======= 0.0.3 Tue Dec 25 16:30 2012 Bugfix: Wrong version in README. >>>>>>> bugfix1 0.0.2 Tue Dec 25 13:51 2012 Added milkshake. 0.0.1 Tue Dec 25 12:40 2012 Initial release.
Correct Changes as below and save file:
Revision history for My-Module [% nextrev %] Use perl license. 0.0.3 Tue Dec 25 16:30 2012 Bugfix: Wrong version in README. 0.0.2 Tue Dec 25 13:51 2012 Added milkshake. 0.0.1 Tue Dec 25 12:40 2012 Initial release.
Add and commit:
$ git add --all
$ git sta
$ git com -m 'Corrected Changes file'
View (v) current history (hi):
$ git vhi
* d722edf - (HEAD, next)Corrected Changes file(2 minutes ago) <alice>
| * a407b79 - (v0.0.3, origin/master, master, bugfix1)Bugfix#1: wrong version in README(79 minutes ago) <alice>
* | a57f287 - (depot/next)added perl license(2 hours ago) <bill>
* | 8d51eac -Merge branch 'build-license' into next(3 hours ago) <bill>
|\ \
| |/
| * 40f6a65 -use perl license(3 hours ago) <bill>
* b437a9c - (v0.0.2)version 0.0.2(4 hours ago) <alice>
* 5164966 -Merge branch 'milkshake' into next(4 hours ago) <alice>
| * 2eed2f7 -Added ice cream(5 hours ago) <alice>
| * 45cdbf2 -Added banana(5 hours ago) <alice>
| * d96a45c -Added milk(5 hours ago) <alice>
* 384b71b -Initial commit(5 hours ago) <alice>
Push next to update depot/next:
$ git push
Counting objects: 12, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 716 bytes, done.
Total 7 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
To [email protected]:/srv/git1/My-Module.git
a57f287..d722edf next -> next
View (v) the updated history (hi):
$ git vhi
* d722edf - (HEAD, depot/next, next)Corrected Changes file(55 minutes ago) <alice>
| * a407b79 - (v0.0.3, origin/master, master, bugfix1)Bugfix#1: wrong version in README(2 hours ago)
* | a57f287 -added perl license(3 hours ago) <bill>
* | 8d51eac -Merge branch 'build-license' into next(4 hours ago) <bill>
|\ \
| |/
| * 40f6a65 -use perl license(4 hours ago) <bill>
* b437a9c - (v0.0.2)version 0.0.2(5 hours ago) <alice>
* 5164966 -Merge branch 'milkshake' into next(5 hours ago) <alice>
| * 2eed2f7 -Added ice cream(6 hours ago) <alice>
| * 45cdbf2 -Added banana(6 hours ago) <alice>
| * d96a45c -Added milk(6 hours ago) <alice>
* 384b71b -Initial commit(6 hours ago) <alice>
This completes the bug fix. Dispose the bugfix1 branch:
$ git branch -d bugfix1
Deleted branch bugfix1 (was a407b79).
Error message when Github repository have not yet been created:
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master
Username for '': alice
Password for 'https://[email protected]': ********
fatal: not found:
did you run git update-server-info on the server?
Error message when pushing to local git depot server with wrong url:
$ git remote add depot [email protected]:/srv/git1/My-Modules.git
$ git nbr next
$ git push -u depot next
[email protected]'s password: *******
fatal: '/srv/git1/My-Modules.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
What is the url error in this case?
Error message if permissions is not correct for the depot directories:
$ git remote add depot [email protected]:/srv/git1/My-Module.git
$ git nbr next
$ git push -u depot next
[email protected]'s password: *******
fatal: '/srv/git1/My-Module.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Ensure that git1 user ownerships are correct on the server:
# chown root:git1 /srv/git1
# chown -R git1:git1 /srv/git1/My-Module.git
[1] Git:
[2] Github:
[3] Gitorius:
[4] nvie:
[5] Fine-grained access control:
[6] CPAN:
Note1) Include current branch at your prompt with this text in your ~/.bashrc:
function parse_git_branch () { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/' } YELLOW="\[\033[0;33m\]" GREEN="\[\033[0;32m\]" NO_COLOUR="\[\033[0m\]" PS1="$YELLOW\u@\h$NO_COLOUR:\w$GREEN\$(parse_git_branch)$NO_COLOUR\$ "
Source: Github Gist Code snippets
Note2) Show commit history as in this howto with an alias in the ~/.gitconfig file:
[alias] vhi = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(Yellow)%d%Creset%s%Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
For information about this git command see man git-log.