Articles by Debinix

  • Debian Wheezy Local Git Server With Git Lite Workflow

    debian Author: DebinixTags: Comments: 1

    Debian Wheezy Local Git Server With Git Lite Workflow This howto describes a shared local git [1] server setup for a small team. This is a repository layout that is familiar to anyone used to working with a traditional version control system. One of the tutorial objectives is to show detailed steps to prepare the server and publish the code on a public service like Github, Gitorius et. al. A second objective is to introduce the Git Lite Workflow in team development. This serves as an introduction to gits powerful branch and merge features. Your personal favorite workflow may be different compared to this model.

  • Upgrade Debian Lenny To Squeeze In A Few Simple Steps

    debian Author: DebinixTags: Comments: 17

    Upgrade Debian Lenny To Squeeze In A Few Simple Steps One rather old laptop and one server were the test objects for this howto. Both systems do not have any RAID devices and use a simple partition scheme from a default basic Lenny install. If your setup deviates much from this, it's highly recommended to read all details of the Debian Release Notes before you continue. Be warned. All commands are run as root and Debian recommends to use apt-get for the Squeeze upgrade process.