Creating Virtual Machines For Xen, KVM, VMware Workstation 6, and VMware Server With vmbuilder On Ubuntu 8.10 - Page 2

4.1 Create A Virtual Machine For KVM

To create a virtual machine for KVM, we could run the following command:

cd ~/vm7/
vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --suite=intrepid --flavour=virtual --arch=i386 --mirror= -o --tmpfs=- --libvirt=qemu:///system --ip= --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --mem=256 --hostname=vm7

Most of the options are self-explanatory. --part specifies the file with the partitioning details, relative to our working directory (that's why we had to go to our VM directory before running vmbuilder), --templates specifies the directory that holds the template file (again relative to our working directory), and --firstboot specifies the firstboot script. --libvirt=qemu:///system tells KVM to add this VM to the list of available virtual machines. --addpkg allows you to specify Ubuntu packages that you want to have installed during the VM creation (see above why you shouldn't add openssh-server to that list and use the firstboot script instead).

In the --mirror line I have specified my local apt-proxy mirror ( - I have used my publically accessible IP address instead of localhost or because this mirror will be used in the VM's /etc/apt/sources.list file as well, and of course, the VM won't be able to connect to on the host. Of course, you can as well specify an official Ubuntu repository in --mirror, e.g. If you leave out --mirror, then the default Ubuntu repository ( will be used. Don't specify an apt-proxy mirror if you intend to transfer the VM to a host that has no access to the apt-proxy mirror (e.g. because it's in a different network) - as I've already mentioned, the VM will use the mirror in its /etc/apt/sources.list that you specify for the vmbuilder command.

This will create an ubuntu-kvm/ subdirectory within the ~/vm7 directory that contains the disk image of the virtual machine:

ls -l ubuntu-kvm/
root@server1:~/vm7# ls -l ubuntu-kvm/
total 369184
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 377663488 2008-12-11 14:18 disk0.qcow2
-rwx---r-x 1 root root        49 2008-12-11 14:18

The configuration file of the VM is located in the /etc/libvirt/qemu directory (/etc/libvirt/qemu/vm7.xml):

ls -l /etc/libvirt/qemu
root@server1:~/vm7# ls -l /etc/libvirt/qemu
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2008-12-10 15:26 networks
-rw------- 1 root root  963 2008-12-10 16:29 vm1.xml
-rw------- 1 root root  959 2008-12-10 19:10 vm2.xml
-rw------- 1 root root  799 2008-12-10 18:25 vm3.xml
-rw------- 1 root root  799 2008-12-10 18:39 vm4.xml
-rw------- 1 root root  799 2008-12-10 19:25 vm5.xml
-rw------- 1 root root  805 2008-12-11 14:06 vm6.xml
-rw------- 1 root root  818 2008-12-11 14:54 vm7.xml

If you want to transfer the VM to another host, copy the ubuntu-kvm directory and the VM's configuration file to the new host (e.g. using scp).


4.2 Create A Virtual Machine For Xen

The command to create a Xen VM is similar to the KVM command:

cd ~/vm7/
vmbuilder xen ubuntu --suite=intrepid --flavour=virtual --arch=i386 --mirror= -o --tmpfs=- --ip= --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --mem=256 --hostname=vm7

This will create an ubuntu-xen/ subdirectory within the ~/vm7 directory that contains the disk image of the virtual machine and its Xen configuration file:

ls -l ubuntu-xen/
root@server1:~/vm7# ls -l ubuntu-xen/
total 303748
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20971520000 2008-12-11 14:24 ____.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  8388608000 2008-12-11 14:23 root.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4194304000 2008-12-11 14:23 swap.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root         526 2008-12-11 14:24 xen.conf

If you want to transfer the VM to another host, copy the ubuntu-xen directory to the new host (e.g. using scp). You should place the Xen configuration file in the /etc/xen directory.


4.3 Create A Virtual Machine For VMware Workstation 6

The command to create a VM for VMware Workstation 6 is similar to the KVM command:

cd ~/vm7/
vmbuilder vmw6 ubuntu --suite=intrepid --flavour=virtual --arch=i386 --mirror= -o --tmpfs=- --ip= --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --mem=256 --hostname=vm7

This will create an ubuntu-vmw6/ subdirectory within the ~/vm7 directory that contains the disk image of the virtual machine and its configuration file:

ls -l ubuntu-vmw6/
root@server1:~/vm7# ls -l ubuntu-vmw6/
total 368884
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 402325504 2008-12-11 14:27 disk0.vmdk
-rwx---r-x 1 root root       527 2008-12-11 14:27 vm7.vmx

If you want to transfer the VM to another host, copy the ubuntu-vmw6 directory to the new host (e.g. using scp).


4.4 Create A Virtual Machine For VMware Server

The command to create a VM for VMware Server is similar to the KVM command:

cd ~/vm7/
vmbuilder vmserver ubuntu --suite=intrepid --flavour=virtual --arch=i386 --mirror= -o --tmpfs=- --ip= --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --mem=256 --hostname=vm7

This will create an ubuntu-vmserver/ subdirectory within the ~/vm7 directory that contains the disk image of the virtual machine and its configuration file:

ls -l ubuntu-vmserver/
root@server1:~/vm7# ls -l ubuntu-vmserver/
total 368828
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 402128896 2008-12-11 14:31 disk0.vmdk
-rwx---r-x 1 root root       531 2008-12-11 14:31 vm7.vmx

If you want to transfer the VM to another host, copy the ubuntu-vmserver directory to the new host (e.g. using scp).


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