On this page
- How To Compile rTorrent From SVN In Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
- Introduction
- How to use, support & help
- Assumptions
- 1. Get required packages
- 2. Create the rtorrent download folder
- 3. Go to the rtorrent download folder
- 4. Then get the latest trunk version
- 5. Enter the trunk folder
- 6. Update rTorrent to the latest SVN version
- 7. Go to the libtorrent folder
- 8. Run the autogen script
- 9. Configure it
- 10. Compile libtorrent
- 11. Install libtorrent on the system
- 12. Alter /etc/ld.so.conf
- 13. Rebuild the ld.so cache
- 14. Go to the rTorrent folder
- 15. Run the autogen script
- 16. Configure it
- 17. Compile rTorrent
- 18. Install rTorrent on the system
- 19. Run rTorrent
- Update to newest version
How To Compile rTorrent From SVN In Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
Author: Stephan Jau
Revision: v1.0
Last Change: Oct 19 2007
Torrent is a great way to transfer large files very quickly. However most torrent clients are gui based and have quite some impact on system resources (e.g. Azureus). rTorrent is a lightweight client running from the terminal. Being able to run it in a screen session (also upon boot) makes it ideal to also control it from a remote location.
How to use, support & help
The rTorrent homepage can be found here.
A basic guide on how to use rTorrent can be found here.
There's an irc support channel on irc.freenode.org #rtorrent and the official support channel is to be found on irc.worldforgenet.org #libtorrent
In this tutorial I will use the defaults user home location and will download all the SVN files there. Specifically I'll use ~/rtorrent for the SVN files. Further you are supposed not to be logged in as root but as a normal user.
1. Get required packages
sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential libtool automake1.9 openssl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libsigc++-2.0-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev
Note: Automake must be a newer version than 1.4. So other automake versions work also. I just used 1.9 here because I need it for something else also.
2. Create the rtorrent download folder
mkdir ~/rtorrent
3. Go to the rtorrent download folder
cd ~/rtorrent
Current location: /home/USER/rtorrent
4. Then get the latest trunk version
svn co svn://rakshasa.no/libtorrent/trunk
5. Enter the trunk folder
cd trunk
Current location: /home/USER/rtorrent/trunk
6. Update rTorrent to the latest SVN version
svn up
7. Go to the libtorrent folder
cd libtorrent
Current location: /home/USER/rtorrent/trunk/libtorrent
8. Run the autogen script
9. Configure it
10. Compile libtorrent
11. Install libtorrent on the system
sudo make install
12. Alter /etc/ld.so.conf
echo "include /usr/local/lib" | sudo tee -a /etc/ld.so.conf
13. Rebuild the ld.so cache
sudo ldconfig
14. Go to the rTorrent folder
cd ../rtorrent
Current location: /home/USER/rtorrent/trunk/rtorrent
15. Run the autogen script
16. Configure it
17. Compile rTorrent
18. Install rTorrent on the system
sudo make install
19. Run rTorrent
That's it and enjoy!
Update to newest version
If you want to update rTorrent later to the newest version, just start with step (6) from this howto.