Comments on Network Analysis With Wireshark On Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

Network Analysis With Wireshark On Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer (or "packet sniffer") that can be used for network analysis, troubleshooting, software development, education, etc. This guide shows how to install and use it on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn desktop to analyze the traffic on the local network card.

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Thanks for the tuto, you can also find another Wireshark tuto (in French) at this URL.


By: Anonymous

The title of this HOWTO should be "HowTo install Wireshark"

and the contents could be:

You install Wireshark as everything else:

$sudo aptitude install wireshark


ChinPun!... That's all falks!



How to install xyzxyz?

Very easy...

$sudo aptitude install xyzxyz

 ChinPun!... That's all falks!

 This small tutorial substitutes 100,000,000 noisy tutorials!!


By: prober8

Too much detail on the installation procedure down to the very intuitive common sense choices. Even more annoying is that it even had screen shots (pointless waste of bandwidth). To someone technically inclined enough to know what wireshark is in the first place the two words "install wireshark" would do.