Comments on Ventrilo Voice Communication Server In A Chrooted Environment On Ubuntu Feisty AMD64
Ventrilo Voice Communication Server In A Chrooted Environment On Ubuntu Feisty AMD64 This tutorial explains how to set up Ventrilo, a popular voice communication server, in a chrooted environment, and to run as a non-privileged user. The main reason for doing this is security. Ventrilo is distributed only in binary format, which some people distrust. A chrooted environment means the program only has access to its home directory, not the entire system. Running it like this means that if there is a bug or exploit in Ventrilo, it is not likely to compromise the rest of the system.
5 Comment(s)
Hi all,
This is candry johnson i have ventrilo server anybody want this service then let me know or have to go with my company website listed in bottom and you can get more info about ventrilo server here.
Thanks & Regards
Very sloppily written. The basics are kind of there but, as step-by-step instructions, it lacks severe clarity. For instance, it essentially tells you to create the directory for chroot twice. Also, where does one put start.c to compile?
cp /lib64/ lib64
and may be 8)thing ventrilo_srv.ini have to be in /opt/chrooted/ventrilo(root of chroot) not in /ventrilo_srv. I don't know why.
hi author,
thank you for your work, but I think you have some errors, or may be distro differences in your howto:
I installed it in debian lenny 32bit.
1)problem with useradd. I have to use this command: "useradd -r -s /bin/false -m -d /opt/chrooted/ventrilo ventrilo"
2)in your C source, i think it's better to use test return value of execl and use errno to check what kind of problem may happen.
3)in C code for me doesn't work your execl I used: "execl("/ventrilo_srv/ventrilo_srv", "-d" , "-fventrilo_srv", 0) "
4)in init script I made this changes: start app in chroot I've got with & something like this: "chroot $CHROOT /start& $1" I think $1you don't have to use, in the called function it's empty.
5) and, in stop section, you use variable config instead of CHROOT
6)in ps ax I see only parameters of ventrilo(like -d -fventrilo_srv)
7) and the last(first) thing in ventrilo archive is directory ventsrv, your howto work with ventrilo_srv
I hope it's everythink, and it can help someone...
by 1john2
JID: [email protected]