Comments on Getting Things Done in the New Year

Getting Things Done in the New Year Author: Joe Topjian <joe [at] adminspotting [dot] net> What a better way to start the New Year off than to get organized. There's this really cool Rails application called Tracks that will give you a web-based management interface for organization. Setting it up is pretty easy, and that's what I'll be going over here.

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By: Anonymous

I am developing tracks right now and we have some very good stuff comming up soon!

--New RSS controller (feeds are more useful now)

--AJAX Refreshing is getting fixed (sometimes flakey)

--Reorder actions on the main (todo) controller will also be added

Thanks for the goodbits!

By: Anonymous

I'm the admin of the polish users portal of suse linux and I wrote the article about the apache serwer using some informations found on this site