Comments on The Perfect Desktop - Kubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)

The Perfect Desktop - Kubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) This tutorial shows how you can set up a Kubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. Kubuntu 8.04 LTS is derived from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and uses the KDE desktop instead of the GNOME desktop.

2 Comment(s)

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By: Kristofer Åberg

This seems like a great guide. I have used Kubuntu for the last half year, and will try this out.

Though, even for a new Linux user like myself, I wonder if the guide is not a too much copy of how Ubuntu / Gnome is managed. Isn't there already a package management tool in Kubuntu, the Adept Manager? On Wikipedia it says "Kynaptic is a graphical package management tool based on KDE and APT using the same code base as Synaptic." and on the site about Adept Manager, it says it replaced Kynaptic. So why then install Synaptic?

Also, why install so many photo editors and multimedia programs? Isn't one program enough for watching movies...? But thanks again, I will try it when I get home!

By: m_gol

I'm sorry but You're missing something - Kubuntu 8.04, on the contrary to Ubuntu 8.04, is *NOT* an LTS edition! See