Comments on Set Up A Fully Encrypted Raid1 LVM System (Lenny)
Set Up A Fully Encrypted Raid1 LVM System For this Howto I use Debian Lenny (still testing and not "stable" for the simple reason as - contrary to Debian Etch and/or Ubuntu 8.04/8.10 - the install routine does setup the initrd correctly so that you can set up encrypted swap and also an encrypted raid1 lvm during install). This Howto will be heavy on screen shots again - a lot of them are repetitive as I setup multiple partitions at once. Basically I will set up the system in a way that (a) everything [except for /boot] will be encrypted, (b) everything will be on a raid1 and (c) have a LVM for your data partition so that this one can be easily expanded.
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By: Stephan Jau