Comments on Server Monitoring with Munin and Monit on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

This tutorial will show you how to monitor an Ubuntu 14.04 server with Munin and Monit. Munin produces nice graphs about nearly every aspect of your server, whereas Monit checks the availability of services like Apache, MySQL, Postfix and takes the appropriate action such as a restart if it finds a service is not behaving as expected. The combination of the two gives you full monitoring: graphics that let you recognize current or upcoming problems, and a watchdog that ensures the availability of the monitored services.

5 Comment(s)

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By: Tuumke

I'm having troubles zooming in with munin...  End of script output before headers: munin-cgi-graph according to apache error log :(

By: George

Can I install Munin & Monit under nginx with ispconfig ?

Any instructions?


By: thomas carter


I need munin on 2 machines ( and

Initially I tried installing munin with which didn't work well. Then I found this (super, thanks) page. On both machines I did :


1)  apt-get remove munin munin-node munin-plugins-extra

2) Followed exactly the procedure on this page

My problem is that on if looks in the wrong place for the graphs. For exemple the first graph link is :


The same graph on mut302, which works is :



Any idea what I'm missing ?



By: Daniel

 Thanks for the good documentation! Do you know how to implement letsencrypt?

I'm on Ubuntu14.04 with Apache2 and ispConfig3

I've tried to use the pem from my ispconfig, but it claims to have not enough access:

monit: The SSL server PEM file '/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ispserver.bundle' must have permissions no more than -rwx------ (0700); right now permissions are -rw-r--r-- (0644).

/etc/monit/monitrc:14: Error: SSL server PEM file permissions check failed 'allow'


Then I've copied the pem to the monit directory and adjusted the rights to 700: Monit starts, but I cannot access the URL (mail received when starting stopping service).

Any idea? Thanks in advance

By: simon3sofas

if this fails

openssl gendh 1024 >> /var/certs/monit.pem

this works ... (from

openssl dhparam -out /tmp/dhparam.pem 1024 cat /tmp/dhparam.pem >> /var/certs/monit.pem rm /tmp/dhparam.pem