Comments on How to install ProFTPD with TLS on CentOS 7.2

This tutorial describes the installation and configuration of ProFTPD on a CentOS 7.2 Server. ProFTPD is an FTP daemon for Unix and Linux operating systems and distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL).

2 Comment(s)

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By: Nigel Aves

Great tutorial but I'm confussed on a couple of points.


How is the group "ftpgroup" associated to ProFTP so that only the user tom is a valid login? I have other logins on my server that I do not wish to have access to FTP.


You mention a user "srijan" but it does not seem to be used anywhere.


In /etc/sysconfig/ there is a file called proftp


the file contains:


# Set PROFTPD_OPTIONS to add command-line options for proftpd.

# See proftpd(8) for a comprehensive list of what can be used.


# The following "Defines" can be used with the default configuration file:

# -DANONYMOUS_FTP : Enable anonymous FTP

# -DDYNAMIC_BAN_LISTS : Enable dynamic ban lists (mod_ban)

# -DQOS : Enable QoS bits on server traffic (mod_qos)

# -DTLS : Enable TLS (mod_tls)


# For example, for anonymous FTP and dynamic ban list support:





Should I be using -DTLS optoion for startup?   



Many Thanks - Nigel.

By: Tomba

yes, TLS would not be used if you don't change startup options to: