Comments on Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS
This tutorial describes how to set up and configure virtual mail hosting with an LDAP backend. Software we will use in this howto: Postfix (MTA), Dovecot (IMAP / POP3), Gnarwl (vacation), OpenLDAP (LDAP) and vMailpanel as the management interface. Optional are Proftpd FTP, Roundcube (webmail) and MariaDB (SQL backend for Roundcube).
11 Comment(s)
Really like this tutorial because it's setup with LDAP and easy to follow. Haven't tried it yet but read through it and I think I will eventually migrate my sql-based user management (currently running a similar setup) to this, but also include fuglu and spamassassin.
Great job, and thanks!
this seems to be a nice guide, it certainly took you lots of time and effort to write it down, but it has plenty of errors, that make it unusable. I tried to follow the guide, but it stops working fairly soon giving following errors. Help and update would be appreciated.
Your command "git clone" gives this error "fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the push function.", it needs to be changed to: "git clone". This was easy to figure out.
Next: "cp /usr/share/vMailbox/schema/* /etc/ldap/schema." gives this error: "cp: cannot stat '/usr/share/vMailbox/schema/*': No such file or directory" and needs to be changed to "cp /usr/share/vMailpanel/schema/* /etc/ldap/schema"
Next: This command "ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/phamm.ldif" gives this error: "/etc/ldap/schema/phamm.ldif: No such file or directory" and i have no idea, where that file comes from and what is in it.
Next: This command "ldapmodify -a -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=tld -W -f base.ldif" gives this error: "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)" and there i end. Password is correct, 20 chars long, i copy it from file, but no luck. Here i end. Help and update would be appreciated.
Yes, I just got this far as well. Should have been a useful guide but too many errors in the first couple of pages.
Nice guide and i am planning to follow this guide to setup ldap authenticatio for the mail users.I could not find acl-remove.ldif,acl-new.ldif files. As i am new to ldap setup can explain about this.Can we install sogo groupware with this setup
Thank you
Hi Nice guide . Planning to install postfix server with ldap backend with this tutorial to integrate SOGO groupware. I am new to ldap . Can you please explain litlle more about acl-remove.ldif and acl-new.ldif. Both the files seems to be missing.
Thank you
As Libor already stated, the guide is full of errors and I doubt the poster actually tried to trace his own steps. It gives some good hints about the topic, but it lacks the quality of a good How-To.
On debian 10, I needed to do a
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/ nano should be nano .
Murali: they are in /etc/ldap/schema (after copying them from vmailpanel)
Because I had to read the code vMailpanel to get this information: you can login into it via the username "admin" - and your admin ldap pasword.
I installed the vmailpanel on my debian server with minor changes to your post. However i am not able to access panel due to an unknown error. In apache error log i get
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ldap_get_entries(): Argument #2 ($result) must be of type LDAP\\Result, bool given in /usr/share/vMailpanel/lib/ldap.php:159\nStack trace:\n#0 /usr/share/vMailpanel/lib/ldap.php(159): ldap_get_entries()\n#1 /usr/share/vMailpanel/public/index.php(164): PhammLdap::phamm_self_values()\n#2 {main}\n thrown in /usr/share/vMailpanel/lib/ldap.php on line 159
I 've echoed the values of the call of ldap_gen_entries and i get :
Can you please advise?
Thank you,