Articles by Miguel
How to Install Suricata and Zeek IDS with ELK on Ubuntu 20.10
Author: Miguel • Tags: linux, security, server, ubuntu • Comments: 10In this tutorial we will install and configure Suricata, Zeek, the ELK stack, and some optional tools on an Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) server along with the Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana (ELK) stack.
Suricata IDS with ELK and Web Frontend on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Author: Miguel • Tags: linux, security, server, ubuntu • Comments: 16Suricata is an IDS / IPS capable of using Emerging Threats and VRT rule sets like Snort and Sagan. This tutorial shows the installation and configuration on an Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) server.
Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS
Author: Miguel • Tags: dovecot, email, linux, postfix, server, ubuntu • Comments: 11This tutorial describes how to set up and configure virtual mail hosting with an LDAP backend. Software we will use in this howto: Postfix (MTA), Dovecot (IMAP / POP3), Gnarwl (vacation), OpenLDAP (LDAP) and vMailpanel as the management interface. Optional are Proftpd FTP, Roundcube (webmail) and MariaDB (SQL backend for Roundcube).
Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04
Author: Miguel • Tags: email, ftp, linux, postfix, ubuntu • Comments: 8Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04 Here we we use an LDAP backend for both the MTA (Postfix) and POP3/IMAP server (Dovecot), and a web based management interface.
Install And Configure OpenLDAP On Ubuntu Karmic Koala
Author: Miguel • Tags: ubuntu • Comments: 29Install And Configure OpenLDAP On Ubuntu Karmic Koala The configuration of OpenLDAP got a bit (more) complicated. cn=config is still used, but when installing the packages from the repositories only a skeleton configuration of openldap is installed. You're not asked anymore to provide a password when the package is installed and issuing the "dpkg-reconfigure slapd" only resets openldap to the skeleton configuration. You will have to set up the openldap database, root dn and acl's yourself using the root account (or sudo) in order to configure openldap. Here is how I configured openldap in Karmic Koala, but I do not issue any guarantee that this setup will suit your needs or works for you as it worked for me.
Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Kamic Koala 9.10
Author: Miguel • Tags: postfix, ubuntu • Comments: 7Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Kamic Koala 9.10 This how to will allow you step by to configure a Postfix mail server with with virtual hosting. Virtual hosting means that you can add as many mail domains as you want and sub sequentially as many mailboxes for these domains as you want. Here we we use an LDAP backend for both the MTA (Postfix) and POP3/IMAP server (Dovecot), and a web based management interface. Optional in this how to is the use of Roundcube webmail and proftpd.
Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Server 8.10
Author: Miguel • Tags: postfix, ubuntu • Comments: 14Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Server 8.10 This how to will allow you to configure a Postfix mail server with with virtual hosting. Virtual hosting means that you can add as many maildomains as you want and subsequentially as many mailboxes for these domains as you want. Here we we use an LDAP backend for both the MTA (Postfix) and POP3/IMAP server (Dovecot), and a web based management interface.
Installing And Configuring OpenLDAP On Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex
Author: Miguel • Tags: ubuntu • Comments: 14Installing And Configuring OpenLDAP On Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex With Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, the way OpenLDAP is used and configured has changed. In Intrepid, OpenLDAP is no longer configured via the slapd.conf file, but via the slapd.d directory that contains ldif files to configure OpenLDAP.
Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 TLS
Author: Miguel • Tags: postfix, ubuntu • Comments: 19Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 TLS I've been running with a MySQL backend for virtual hosting for some time, but when I discovered Phamm and the added FTP feature (amongst others) I decided to switch to LDAP as backend for Postfix with virtual hosting. In view of the fact that the installation and configuration guide of Phamm is lacking some basic information it took me quite some time (including crying, swearing, getting depressed, ...) to put it all together and get it working. Long live google to find hints or explanations for problems and configuration issues. Piecing it all together wasn't simple so I would like to share how I configured it and got it all working toghether (as I like), but I think that it will benefit other users as well.
Intrusion Detection: Snort (IDS), OSSEC (HbIDS) And Prelude (HIDS) On Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
Author: Miguel • Tags: security, ubuntu, monitoring • Comments: 4Intrusion Detection: Snort (IDS), OSSEC (HbIDS) And Prelude (HIDS) On Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Everybody knows the problem, you have a IDS tool(s) installed and every tool has his own interface. Prelude will allow to log all of the events to the prelude database and be consulted using one interface (prewikka). This howto will describe how to install and configure the different tools that will make up the complete solution.