Comments on ISP-Server Setup - Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger"

ISP-Server Setup - Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" This is a detailed description about the steps to be taken to setup a Ubuntu based server (Ubuntu 5.10 - Breezy Badger) that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters (web server (SSL-capable), mail server (with SMTP-AUTH and TLS!), DNS server, FTP server, MySQL server, POP3/POP3s/IMAP/IMAPs, Quota, Firewall, etc.).

35 Comment(s)

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By: Anonymous

Did anyone not have a firewall setting within ISPConfig after completing the install?

I couldn't find one listed as a service nor the settings available. Is there something I missed?

By: admin

ISPconfig installs a bastille firewall. You will find it in the ISPConfig controlpanel under Management > Server > Services on the Tab: Firewall

By: Anonymous


does it matter if you use the desktop-installation-image or the server-installation-image?

which version did you use?


By: Anonymous

what good is it if it's connected to the Internet but you can't get to it?

By: Anonymous

Can I get this on one page for printing?

By: Anonymous

Yes, if you click on the printer-friendly link of the first page of an howto. In the case of this howto:

By: Anonymous

Could you provide input if you would consider as opposed to ispconfig ? It looks like vhcs has more eye candy from a first look.

By: Anonymous

I'm trying to install it on Software Raid with no success.

By: Anonymous

I did it with succes on a Intel SE7221BK1-E board 2 Sata 160GB and Ubuntu-server 5.10. Mail me your address and I send you how I did it. If my English was better I tried to make a howto.

[email protected]

By: Anonymous

Is anyone else seeing mail getting rejected when you try to send it to a user? I see this error in mail.log:

Oct 26 18:04:32 bonk postfix/smtpd[14300]: connect from[]

Oct 26 18:04:32 bonk postfix/smtpd[14300]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Any help is much appreciated.

By: admin

You have to enable SMTP-Auth in your email client. In Outlook this feature is called something like "Server needs authentication" in the mail account settings. The username and password are identical to the pop3 username and password.

By: Anonymous

i'd suggest some hacker out there make this as installer script or even a cd installer.

so it will make newbees like me so much easier...

i'm already scared with all the command line stuffs i'd to do....



By: Anonymous

Just a quick "thanks!" for all those who have worked on putting this HOWTO together. It saved me hours, if not days, in putting up a small test server, and the whole installation, start to finish was about 3 hours, on an old Socket 370 Celeron machine! Considering this is just my second Ubuntu install, I couldn't be happier with the results. Using Putty on a Windows machine, all the steps in this HOWTO are literally "cut and paste" (with just a little editing for my own host name, address, etc.) once the SSH step is completed on Page 2 (newbies see the Putty FAQ at

I will agree with others who have commented here that it is important to have quota set up before starting the ISPConfig install. Originally, I installed Ubuntu with ReiserFS, but the currently included kernel for Ubuntu (as of 11/19/05) single CD install image does not have patches for ReiserFS quota support applied. So, I found it was easiest to just go back and re-install Ubuntu on extfs3 formatted partitions, and quota sets up fine.

But overall, very well done! The result seems to be a solid, easily managed Linux server for LAMP projects, without a lot of fuss.

By: Anonymous

If I do:

# /etc/init.d/saslauthd start

Starting SASL Authentication Daemon: mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory.

What am I doing wrong?


By: admin

Please do not use the comment function to ask for help! If you need help, please use our forum:

By: Claire

This is very very helpfull site. I'll send info to all my friends. Take care!

By: Anonymous

I needed to modify /etc/init.d/bind9 to reflect the chroot: I changed every occurence of the /var/run/bind/run to var/lib/named/var/run/bind/run for bind9 to start correctly.

I'm not sure if I have to modify anything else yet. Hope this will help.

root@ns1:~# uname -a
Linux ns1.xxxxx.xx 2.6.12-9-k7 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:47:52 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

Ubuntu Breezy, after apt-get upgrade.


By: Anonymous

Just an afterthought.

Most Internet Service Providers have a policy AGAINST using their internet connections as a server. Unless you have your own T1 line, I wouldn't suggest this.


I dont recommend or even suggest to use this setup on a DSL line or host a webserver on a DSL line in the howto. This howto is a guide to setup a dedicated server for server housing in a datacenter or in an intranet.


By: uptoome

I read the TOS for my provider, and the only restriction seemed to be that I could not host a web site for commercial use (they want you to buy their business class service); personal use such as music, videos, email etc were not restricted.

By: Anonymous's better to user "sudo -s -H" to switch into root mode. There, you can do all the needed things till you use "CTRL + D" to quit.

Now, you do not need to type your pwd every time during installation if you do not wantto create a root user :-)

By: Anonymous

>sudo bash

Now you are root..

By: Anonymous

I've root partition with XFS filesystem; when i edit fstab and append usrquota,grpquota to the options of / partition, the server doesn't mount / partion on reboot.

I've found this post on this site.

you havo to add this string in /etc/lilo.conf under the default kernel or the kernel you whant to run

append="rootflags=usrquota,grpquota ro"

it seems work!
Bye Corey

By: Anonymous

I've root partition with XFS filesystem; when i edit fstab and append usrquota,grpquota to the options of / partition, the server doesn't mount / partion on reboot.

I've found this post on this site.

you havo to add this string in /etc/lilo.conf under the default kernel or the kernel you whant to run

append="rootflags=usrquota,grpquota ro"

it seems work!
Bye Corey

By: Anonymous

At the "boot:" prompt you can type "server netcfg/disable_dhcp=true" so that it prompts you for the relative info during the install instead of having to do it manually later... not much I know but it saves a few minutes.


By: Anonymous

My last comment may not work for the standard ubuntu disk. I used the server image and the exact line I used was "linux netcfg/disable_dhcp=true". I'm making the assumption that it would be "server" instead of "linux".

By: Anonymous

This would have been perfect had it included phpMyAdmin

By: admin

Phpmyadmin is availabale as package trough the ISPConfig interface, so it is not nescessary to install it in the howto.

By: Anonymous

This is a great How-To but as usual I attempted it on the 64bit server version 6.06.

It just so happens that it was released today too (without my knowledge).

So, any chance of an updated version of this How-To in the near future?


By: admin

The Ubuntu 6.06 howto will be published the next few days.


Hi, I have the same problem of this person " Did anyone not have a firewall setting within ISPConfig after completing the install?
I couldn't find one listed as a service nor the settings available. Is there something I missed?


But the answer you give , for me doesnt function. Can someoen help me ?? 

Thanks a lot


By: Tuumke

I dont have the /etc/init.d/sysklogd but do have the rsyslog. Should i edit that in any way?

By: till

Are you sure that you use such an old Ubuntu release? If you use a newer Ubuntu release, then please choose the perfect server tutorial that matches your OS version. A list of all ISPConfig perfect server tutorials for the different OS releases can be found on the ISPConfig documentation page:

By: Tijmen

nano /etc/init.d/sysklogd

File is not present...

By: till

Are you sure that you use such an old Ubuntu release (ubuntu 5 really?)? If you use a newer Ubuntu release, then please choose the perfect server tutorial that matches your OS version. A list of all ISPConfig perfect server tutorials for the different OS releases can be found on the ISPConfig documentation page: