Comments on Server monitoring with Nagios on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr and Debian Wheezy
Server monitoring with Nagios on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr and Debian Wheezy This document describes how to install and configure Nagios in Ubuntu 14.04 Server. Nagios is a powerful monitoring system that enables organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes.
3 Comment(s)
I understand that this may be for Linux and Ubuntu, but how do I monitor Windows Servers, as we all know most all networks are hybrid (mixature of several OSes). I have used this and configured it on CentOS and it was pretty simple. This is also pretty simple but we need to be able to monitor windows as well. This is a great tutorial, Thank you so much.
Michael Cooper
Hello! Thanks for instruktion. I have a ISPConfig-Server ready running with customers on it. I know want to install on the same server nagios. I only found old (2013) tutorials - can I just install it and its not gonna destroy the ISPConfig Configuration? Thanks!
Hi Friend,
I followed the instruction but the problem is ... my Web Interface is not working. Apache port 80 already used by other service.
So I'm using port : 10080.
The Error is : The requested URL /nagios3/< was not found on this server.
Please help