Comments on How To Manage An iPod From A Linux Desktop With gtkpod
How To Manage An iPod From A Linux Desktop With gtkpod This article shows how you can use an iPod on a Linux desktop with gtkpod (a graphical user interface for Apple's iPod). It covers how you can upload MP3 files from your desktop to your iPod, download MP3 files from your iPod to your desktop, how you can delete files on the iPod, and how you can create and modify playlists. Normally, Apple's iTunes software is needed to manage an iPod, but iTunes is not available for Linux. Fortunately, there are Linux alternatives such as gtkpod that can handle the task.
3 Comment(s)
Found this through Thoof (if you missed it, you can get this article's ThoofRank button here). Also Dugg ;-)
Is anyone aware of a FUSE filesystem for the iPod on Linux?
thanks for the tutorial!any tip for the ubuntu 15.10?
Banshee gets in the way of setting up gtkipod. Banshee works okay for no Apple products so far, I'm a beginner at Linux.