Comments on Installing MySQL And phpMyAdmin On FreeNAS

Installing MySQL And phpMyAdmin On FreeNAS This howto was written when I needed to run some php based web applications and the only system around was FreeNAS. Although many people are using php and MySQL on a FreeNAS box successfully I couldn't find any simple tutorial for the purpose, so I wrote one in case anyone needs it.

42 Comment(s)

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By: llambion

I try to install phpmyadmin and this error shows,

trasgu:/# pkg_add -r php5-mysql
Fetching Done.
Fetching Done.
pkg_add: package 'mysql-client-5.0.77_1' conflicts with mysql-client-5.1.33
pkg_add: please use pkg_delete first to remove conflicting package(s) or -f to force installation
pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'mysql-client-5.0.77_1' failed!


By: Anonymous

Hi. I cannot change mysql password because give me an error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Please help me, thanks

By: Anonymous

i have the same problem...

 Has anyone solution?

By: Anonymous

Seems this tutorial is kinda " dodgy " at best. I would advise people to NOT use this tutorial unless you are well versed in linux / unix / *nix systems and the way they operate (or complain when you break something :p )

 There's quite a bit of information in this tut, but alas, some of it is quite useless, or not fully detailed enough to be rightfully called a tutorial.

again, unless you know how to recover your system from a bad install / broken package links etc.. don't attempt this. 

 The fact i'm not exactly a newbie when it comes to *nix systems, yet i'm still having issues tells me there's a missing step / steps that are crucial.

 for example, if you do this, you'll also need to install the following packages before rebooting / rehashing:


# pkg_add -r -v xmlstarlet.tbz

# pkg_add -r -v libxslt.tbz



Mind you, i'm still not able to run MySQL commands due to the fact i recieve a socket error when attempting to. My guess is MySQLD isn't actually running.

By: Eric

Once I installed all the php5 packages I reboot and then it's impossible to connect to my freenas by ssh or by Web Gui, I tried also to ping it... and impossible to reach the resquested host, then I try to loggin directly to the console, I see this error message:

 /libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ version LIBXML2_2.6.0 required by xml not defined

In order to get access to the command prompt, I do CTRL+Z and I try to execute directly:


Then again the same error message appear, so now I understand that my config.xml cannot be read at boot. I'll really appreciate, if somebody have a solution.

By: Anonymous

I have such problem, but I find out may be package "libxml2.7.3.tbz" installed, missing some settings.

Install package "xmlstarlet" new edition to fix problem

pkg_add -r xmlstarlet

The problem will fixed.

Full pack for phpalbum on Freenas

pkg_add -r gd
pkg_add -r php5
pkg_add -r php5-extensions
pkg_add -r php5-xmlrpc
pkg_add -r php5-gettext
pkg_add -r php5-mcrypt
pkg_add -r php5-mbstring
pkg_add -r php5-gd

pkg_add -r xmlstarlet

After the installation you will not be able to access FreeNAS webGUI interface because of a problem, to correct problem the following commands

mv /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php-cli
cp /usr/local/bin/php-cgi /usr/local/bin/php

After restart will be work fine.


By: assad

Thank you Anonymous. after that nas started and many services works fine.

but upnp doesnot work.

on start fuppesd writes

/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ version LIBXML2_2.6.5 required by /usr/local/lib/ not defined

By: assad

I have fixed this issue having built fuppes in the freebsd 7.2 and move binaries into the freenas.


By: Ric Hochet

How did you built fuppes ?

By: Russel


could you be so kind to make a small HowTo with created binaries?

I have the same problem.

By: assad

You can download freebsd 7.2 and isntall it. you can download fuppes sources and untar it. 


cd fuppes-0.660



I found some compile error. but I fix it. I think that in new version if fuppes it should be fixed.

after fix error anyway


than tar files and copy on the place old fuppes.

It is about fuppes.

But now I see that it is not good idea to install php and my sql as described here. distributive is broken after that.

proftpd - broken and I rebuild it.

Unicorn rsync - does not work. 

using pkg_add is dangerous. Now I try it 

pkg_add -r -n .... and if system packet doesn't changed I install something.

Now I find way to install mysql and some php libraries w/o change core system files.

After sixty days system fails and doesn't start. I reinstall it.

By: Anonymous

how you rebuild the proftpd after following this i stop having remote ftp access i only can access ftp on my network.

By: Piotrk


pkg_add -r php5-mysqli

Small letter i makes the difference. The mysqli connector is just in an another package and the php5 uses MySQLi by default to connect mysql databases.

By: Anonymous

Thank's for that one... hadn't noticed all those #!/usr/local/bin/php all over the place that seem to override the lighttpd cgi setting. Saved me an age debugging a white screen.

By: Louisd

After following the tutorial, your WebGUI might not work

I have the same problem

My solution:

1. Put the FreeNAS live CD in your computer

2. In the installation menu, choose Upgrade Full OS from CD-ROM

3. Upgrade the OS

4. Restart the FreeNAS server

Everything works fine again!



By: Marco

Hi Mohammad,

great Tutorial!
Just a general question, I downloaded

mysql51-server.tbz and
mysql51-client.tbz from:

These files are ~5.4MB and ~1MB.
On the mysql webside I saw the freebsd version with more than 100MB

How can this be?

One more question, how can I check if the server is up?


By: Rautamiekka

Glad someone had finally made a tut but this ain't compatible with FN v0.7 (amd64)+MySQL v5.1.33+phpMyAdmin v3.2.4 cuz after reboot trying to access phpMyAdmin brings "404 not found" & SSH access is blocked & console menu disabled & hostname doesn't show on SYSTEM STATUS page regardless of settings. Also, there's a ton of complaint by whole system about undefined stuff, on bootup. I only have the following complaint written which I receive after FN have booted to the console menu:


/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ version LIBXML2_2.6.0 required by /usr/local/bin/xml not defined

[: -eq: argument expected

By: Anonymous

This doesn't even come close to working.

By: Anonymous

Mysql is not available for FreeNAS. Disappointed. going back to Opensuse Server


By: Anonymous

Do you think it is possible to do this with a LiveCD running version of FreeNAS?

You can't write to the / directory, so getting the packages to install as expected might be tricky....

By: Ben.

Just execute "rehash" to make the shell-command available without reboot.

By: daniel

after i did everthing i get the error Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. by phpmyadmin how do i fix that i cant get acces to mysql ether

By: Anonymous

Works great for me thank you very much. Just had to reboot nas before running this command mysql_install_db


And then all was fine.


Thanx again

By: lorenzo

Great tutorial: the start is good, but skipping steps for a total newby makes it difficult to figure out when things go wrong.

i had some problems and wonder if i'm the only one?

the command mysql_install_db

returns the following:

mysql_install_db: Command not found.

also i was quite puzzled by your comment here: "To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system"

what does this mean? i have no clue what this entails: where would the default be?

up to here i think everything worked fine, but i'm stuck after:

daNas:/mnt/dynamic/db# chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql
daNas:/mnt/dynamic/db# chmod 777 /tmp
daNas:/mnt/dynamic/db# chmod 777 /var/tmp
daNas:/mnt/dynamic/db# pkg_add mysql51-server
pkg_add: can't stat package file 'mysql51-server'
daNas:/mnt/dynamic/db# pkg_add -r mysql51-server
Fetching Done.
Fetching Done.
You already have a group "mysql", so I will use it.
mysql:*:1002:1001::0:0:db access:/mnt:/bin/tcsh
You already have a user "mysql", so I will use it.


Remember to run mysql_upgrade (with the optional --datadir=<dbdir> flag)
the first time you start the MySQL server after an upgrade from an
earlier version.


 any further info will be very much appreciated and i'm sure others will welcome more details!


By: Anonymous

I followed all your steps apart form few moments where I had to "use" my linux experience or better said - unix-like thinking everything works fine for me. sound as a pound mate. thanks. I even didn't have to reboot anything. rehash after intalling all the packages worked just fine for me. ps. there are few moments in you tutorial where newbie might have  a problem.

1.  chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql -didn't do much unless I did pkg_add -r mysql50-server

So first pkg_add -rv mysql50-server


mkdir -p /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql

chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/dynamic/db/mysq

chmod 777 /tmp

chmod 777 /var/tmp

cd /usr/local/bin/


if not then try 


./usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -u root password put_some_password_in_here
 /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h freenas.local password some_password

and so on...


# mkdir /mnt/dynamic/apps
# cd /mnt/dynamic/app - should be cd /mnt/dynamic/apps ... :) 

and so on :)


But all in all great tut.

By: Anonymous

INstall and setup works OK.

 But when rebooted, the user mysql, gets deleted, so allways have to start over from start ????

By: vkyk

llambion, I solve this crash by downgrading mysql-client & mysql-server to 5.0.77_1. 

I only know little bit about Freenas (and Freebsd) but install Freenas 0.7.1 Shere (revision 5127) and follow the procedures mentioned above to install mysql, php & phpAdmin.  And face the same problem.

I use pkg_delete to remove mysql-client-5.1.33 and mysql-server-5.1.33 being installed. Then download mysql-client-5.0.77_1.tbz and mysql-server-5.0.77_1.tbz directly from

In freenas gui, I use Package to add back mysql-client-5.0.77_1 and mysql-server-5.0.77_1.  Then reinstall 'php5-mysql' and follow the remaining procedures to complete the installation of mysql, php & phpAdmin.

My Freenas now also run webmin and opendocman. 

By: UCColor Regards

This is a very good link on howto install mysql on freenas:


By: Anonymous

Thanks for the link, but it was clearly mentioned and even the text copied in the web page referenced  in above post was taken from this article.



By: UCColor

Yeah, but this one actually works.

By: Felix

Yeah!, UCColor is right.  That links to a more comprehensive tutorial!  Very handy ;-)

By: Adolfo Rodrigues

Hi, I have followed the guide from here:


But I keep getting an error, every time I try to install using pkg_add. Here it is:

Error: Unable to get No address record
pkg_add: unable to fetch '' by URL

Does anyone know how to fix this??

Thanks in advance.


By: Anonymous

The problem is the version in the error it says /i386/packages-7.3-release/  but the version is not 7.3 check your admin part of the freenas, change /packages-7.3-release/ in /packages-7-stable/

and the most will be found also look at for the right package name

By: jim

This one took me a minute to figure out. You need to add the following line to ~/.cshrc:


 After that it should work.

By: Alexandre Jacquin

Hello, when I write that : mkdir /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql, server responding that : "mkdir: /mnt/dynamic/db: No such file or directory".
What is the matter ?
PS : my HDD is called "dynamic".

By: Anonymous

Good tut but after install i've lost all my groups.

By: DYoda

Im a beginner in freenas/linux so i ask for help.

 Everthing until step "# pkg_add -r mysql50-server" after that command i have info "No space left on device"

I have Freenas installed on a 1GB Pendrive , then i mounted 1TB harddisk only for files.

When i go in QuiXplorer to folder "mnt" there is a 270GB freespace , but everelse like "home" directory only 522KB freespace

 I would be very grateful for the help.

Sorry for english.

By: freerider


I have a problem when i want to start mysql manually. I run /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe but mysql service don´t start well.

the response of the console is the following:

freenas:/usr/local/bin# mysqld_safe

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/mysql

STOPPING server from pid file /var/db/mysql/

110505 02:22:10  mysqld ended

Moreover, the user "mysql" disappears after restarting and i have to create the user when i want to start the service.

By: Alexander

1) Create user and group 'mysql' for web interface;
2) mkdir -p /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql;
3) ln -s /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql /var/db/mysql;
4) chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/dynamic/db/mysql;
5) chmod 777 /tmp;
6) chmod 777 /var/tmp;
7) pkg_add -r mysql55-server;
8) /usr/local/bin/mysql_install_db;
9) chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/dynamic/db/*;
10) Now to automatically start mysql after a reboot, add mysql_enable="YES" to rc.conf, GUI is prefereable to make this change, select System -> Advance -> rc.conf;
11) reboot;
12) mkdir /mnt/dynamic/apps;
13) cd /mnt/dynamic/apps;
14) fetch;
15) tar -zxvf phpMyAdmin-3.4.2-english.tar.gz;
16) ln -s /mnt/dynamic/apps/phpMyAdmin-3.4.2-english/ /mnt/dynamic/apps/phpMyAdmin;
17) ln -s /mnt/dynamic/apps/phpMyAdmin/ /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin;
And Enjoy now!
Sorry for english.

By: Anonymous

I did thhis method and got the error when connectng to phpMyAdmin:

 "phpMyAdmin - Error

The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration."

 Any suggestions?


By: Marema

Hi, I have same error.

Any solutions?



By: Anonymous

I ran into a problem where mysql was not starting after reboot. Turns out that /usr/sbin/daemon was missing on my new install of I replace the file and MySQL is starting up after reboot now. Not sure why FreeNAS left that out of rev 8191.