Comments on Installing MyDNS-NG & MyDNSConfig On Debian Squeeze
Installing MyDNS-NG & MyDNSConfig On Debian Squeeze This tutorial will describe how to install and configure MyDNS-NG and MyDNSConfig 3 on Debian Squeeze. MyDNS-NG is a DNS server that uses a MySQL database as backend instead of configuration files. The advantage is that MyDNS simply reads the records from the database, and it does not have to be restarted/reloaded when DNS records change or zones are created/edited/deleted. A secondary nameserver can be easily set up by installing a second instance of MyDNS that accesses the same database or, to be more redundant, uses the MySQL master / slave replication features to replicate the data to the secondary nameserver.
2 Comment(s)
I've updated the init script to support the new dependency boot introduced with debian squeeze.
You find it here: (and if the server does not answer, the script probably did not work ;) )
Cheers, Chris
This indeed fixes all crap of mydns trying to start before mysql. As you mentioned :
### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: mydns # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $syslog # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $syslog # Should-Start: mysql # Should-Stop: mysql # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: start and stop MyDNS # Description: MyDNS is a DNS Daemon using an SQL database as backend. ### END INIT INFOThis fixes all the hassle of mydns trying to start before mysql. Thanks for sharing.