Comments on Install And Configure OpenLDAP On CentOS 5

Install And Configure OpenLDAP On CentOS 5 This tutorial describes OpenLDAP installation on a computer running Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS or any distribution based on the package installer "yum." If you use a distribution with another package installer we install the same packages but with the installer for (aptitude for Debian-based distros).

5 Comment(s)

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By: Anonymous

Dude, nice work as a startup. You should consider adding The migration of existing accounts And if possible How to expand to highclass service.

For details ojease visit:


By: Anonymous

If you have this error: "ldapadd: Undefined attribute type (17) additional info: dn: attribute type undefined" when initializing the database insert an empty line between dc:



dn: cn=Manager,dc=ldap-kike,dc=com,dc=uy

By: Manoj

There should be enter after "dc: ldap-kike" then file should be like:


 dn: dc=domain,dc=myldap,dc=com

objectclass: dcObject

objectclass: organization

o: Servidor LDAP domain

dc: domain

dn: cn=Manager,dc=domain,dc=myldap,dc=com

 objectclass: organizationalRole

 cn: Manager


 Thanks & Regards,

Manoj Kumar\

By: Claude

When I tried to initialize the LDAP database with ldap-init.ldif I kept having the message:


ldapadd: No such object (32)


I got rid of the warning by adding the domain entry at the beginning of the file ldap-init.ldif:

dn: dc=com,dc=uy
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
dc: com


By: Abhijit

I was facing issue on step 7 and after modifying the file ldap-init.ldif as below, the issue was resolved.

dn: dc=ldaptest,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: Servidor LDAP ldaptest
dc: ldaptest

dn: cn=Manager,dc=ldaptest,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager 

There is an empty line after "dc: ldaptest" in the above text and not a typo :-)

The tutorial is very nice and well written. I have successfully configured LDAP and tested it on another projects.

Cheers !