Comments on How To Upgrade From Fedora 11 To Fedora 12 (Desktop & Server)

How To Upgrade From Fedora 11 To Fedora 12 (Desktop & Server) This article describes how you can upgrade your Fedora 11 system to Fedora 12. The upgrade procedure works for both desktop and server installations.

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By: Klaus

Some may find their /boot partition too small.

I followed the instructions on and I came over that hurdle.


By: NiftyHat

In general all the instances of "su" should be replaced with "su -".   

 This can be important because "su -" cleanly picks up all the environment  for the root account while "su" can keep lots of users specific environment and path/ PATH context.  



By: Fred R.

It is recommended you run

# yum-complete-transaction

after the next reboot (which actually perform the upgrade), in order to start from a clean system.

 Also recommended (but not necessarily after an upgrade):

# package-cleanup --orphans

Or alsa type package-cleanup by itself to try all the proposed checking options.

both command are included in yum-utils package, so the only package used are:

yum, yum-utils, preupgrade



By: Fred R.

Because Grub installed in your MBR is from F11 (or previous version), you need to reinstall Grub after moving to F12 !

Otherwise, if you try to dual-boot to another distribution installed with /boot on a etx4 partition, the Grub from F11 will not be able to boot the othe partition !

 # grub-install /dev/sda
