Comments on How To Set Up Software RAID1 On A Running LVM System (Incl. GRUB2 Configuration) (Ubuntu 11.10)

How To Set Up Software RAID1 On A Running LVM System (Incl. GRUB2 Configuration) (Ubuntu 11.10) This guide explains how to set up software RAID1 on an already running LVM system (Ubuntu 11.10). The GRUB2 bootloader will be configured in such a way that the system will still be able to boot if one of the hard drives fails (no matter which one).

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By: Norbert Seibert

These Tutorials, HoTo's and the entire site here is absolutely amazing.

I have been looking for good tutorials to setup my server(s) with various different configurations, for quite some time. I believe I found them here!

After successfully following two posted tutorials from this website, I am convinced that the author or whoever is involved, knows what he / they are doing. I was blown away by the RAID setup while the system is already running on another drive. I was expecting to redo the entire server, since I have actually Ubuntu 12.04 installed. Surprisingly, everything went as described in the tutorial.

This can only happen, if the people know what they are doing and can relay that information to others!

Also, the author(s) try to explain things in a way that even I can understand. 

Thanks folks!


Dear Norbert Seibert in case you have successfully used the above tutorial for ubuntu 12.04 could be please share it with the rest of us? :) Thank you!

By: timinski

Hello Falko,

This and your other RAID writeups are super...thanks very much.

I run into problems at the pvmove stage with insufficient diskspace errors wherein the difference in source and target space is miniscule.

Is there a recommended pre-pvmove step to ensure the copy can always succeed?