Comments on How to Migrate ISPConfig 2, ISPConfig 3.x, Confixx, CPanel or Plesk to ISPConfig 3.2 (single server)

In this howto, we'll show how to use the ISPConfig Migration Tool 2.0 to migrate a single server to a new ISPConfig 3.1 server. The Migration tool is part of the ISPConfig Migration toolkit. The Migration Tool supports ISPConfig 2 and 3 – 3.1, Plesk 10 – 12.5, Plesk Onyx, CPanel and Confixx 3 as source servers and ISPConfig 3.1 as target server.

93 Comment(s)

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By: lnxgs at: 2018-01-18 19:04:55

Does the script also copy the email boxes (messages)?


By: till at: 2018-01-19 08:33:18

Yes. The script copies the configuration for Websites, Databases, Email and DNS and the Website, Database and Email data.

By: Juho at: 2018-01-28 13:53:56

If the source server has Courier and the destination server Dovecot, does the script handle the migration of email?

By: till at: 2018-01-28 14:35:01

Yes, the migration tool is able to convert mailboxes from courier to dovecot.

By: Lars at: 2018-01-22 05:27:24

Will the login credentials remain the same when migrating from Confixx ?

For example, for email Confixx 3.x uses the format "web1p1" as username while a standard ISPConfig setup uses the email address "[email protected]".If not possible by default, is there a way to tweak ISPConfig to use both the old Confixx and the new ISPConfig format (so users do not have to change their email settings after migrating) ?Thanks, Lars

By: till at: 2018-01-22 09:45:07

The login credentials remain the same. ISPConfig support login names instead of email addresses as well.

By: Nathan at: 2018-02-08 11:39:51

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /root/migration/v56/migrate.php on line 485

When i write password: Testing MySQL connection ... OK

And couple next steps: [ERROR] Could not find database dbispconfig

but db exist. Any help? 


By: till at: 2018-02-08 15:20:11

Are you able to connect to mysql with this command?

mysql -u root -h localhost -p'yourpasword' dbispconfig


replace the word yourpassword with the actual password. The Migration Tool support can be reached here, if you need further help:

By: Nathan at: 2018-02-08 16:11:18

mysql -u root -h localhost -p'yourpasword' dbispconfig is working 

I will send question to support. Thank You.

By: Stefan Warnat at: 2018-02-13 23:06:12

WOW. What a great tool. Thanks!

One addition for this tutorial.

The php-soap PHP Extension is required on target system to sucessfully finish the migration and the error will only be shown in apache error log. (An admin should check this on errors, but I know some admins, which don't know the error_log :) )

I installed the server be the auto install script from this forum, which don't install the extension, because it isn't a default one. I will also add comment on the installer topic.

By: webscom at: 2018-03-13 16:16:32


I have a problem during migration execution stops with this error: (migrate.log)2018-03-13 15:43:29 - [INFO] Job queue has 69 entries left. Waiting ...2018-03-13 15:44:08 - [INFO] Target ISPConfig job queue has completed. Continuing.2018-03-13 15:44:08 - [INFO] Skipping system server as we have no job entries for this target.2018-03-13 15:44:08 - [INFO] Successfully executed command replace -? 2>/dev/null2018-03-13 15:44:08 - [INFO] Command chattr -i '/var/www/clients/client1/web1' failed.2018-03-13 15:44:08 - [ERROR] Execution of job failed: array (  'type' => 'chattr',  'path' => '/var/www/clients/client1/web1',  'enable' => false,  'stop_on_error' => true,)would you have an idea of the worries?I notice that in my directories some rights on the directories are root and not client1, could that come from this? you in advance for your help

By: Tom Albers at: 2018-03-14 14:58:03

 This looks awesome. I now have a master-slave setup. But the master also does mail and I want to split that to a new slave. How would that work? Do I first setup a new slave, add it to the cluster and then run the migrate script for mail only? Or do I start with a standalone server, migrate and then somehow add it to the cluster?

By: jhonatan at: 2018-04-09 17:35:39

 i have this problem, to execute the command ./migrate

with the PHP 5.3 ionCube Encoder and requires PHP 5.3 to be installed. in Unknown on line 0

By: Oliver at: 2018-06-07 19:21:49

How can i move a Server from an old ispconfig multiserver setup to another ispconfig multiserver setup?

I had an old server setup with multiple virtual servers in a multiserver setup mixed with some standalone servers. Now i do a migration to new server in a multi-server setup. My virtual Servers are migrated but how can i migrate the standalone servers without a new machine?

By: till at: 2018-06-08 05:59:43

You can move standalone servers with the tool and also nodes of a multiserver from one multiserver setup to another one and you can also import standalone servers into a multiserver system or join several nodes of a multiserver system or standalone servers into a single server.

By: Ruslan at: 2018-07-19 07:33:20


Is it possible to disable cronjob migration?

If I select only database service or only web service for migration than cronjob is migrating as well.

By: Carlos at: 2018-07-26 23:17:16

Hello till, this tool work, if i wanna change to a new server with nginx and the old server have apache??


By: Johan Seutens at: 2018-08-23 22:03:03

I would like to migrate to a ubuntu 18.04LTS with php7.2 but thats still unsupported any news on getting that fixed ?

By: till at: 2018-08-24 07:02:06

You can do that right away with the current version of the Migration Tool as the PHP version on the target system does not matter. Using PHP 7.2 on the target is absolutely fine as the Migration Tool is run on the source server only.

Besides that, the latest versions of the tool support PHP 7.2 on the source server too. You can download the latest version through the download link that you received by email after the purchase.

By: Zsolt at: 2018-09-21 11:13:50

Wow!I have a multiserver installation (panel, db, ns1, ns2, mail1, mail2, mail3, mail4, mail5, web1, web2, web3, web4, web5, web6), but my panel server is a very old centos, but that server is the panel server. I have a new ubuntu installation and i want to that server will be the new panel server. Is it possible ? So i want to migrate with this tool only the panel server.

By: till at: 2018-09-21 14:40:36

The combination of migrating the panel server only while keeping the slaves attached plus changing to a different Linux distribution at the same time is not possible with the Migration Tool nor with ISPCopy (the second tool in the Migration Toolkit). Let me explain why it's not possible. The Migration Tool is able to migrate single servers or nodes of a multiserver setup to a new single- or multiserver setup, it does this by importing the configuration and data into the new ISPConfig installation. This will not work in your case as you don't have a new Multiserver Setup as target (the slaves don't get migrated in your case). To overcome this limitation, we developed the second tool of the Migration Toolkit, ISPCopy. The difference compared to the Migration Tool is that ISPCopy copies over an ISPConfig installation 'as it is' to the new server, so this would work for moving your master server to a new hardware. But as ISPConfig copies the installation incl. it's config files, it is not possible to switch to a different Linux Distribution with ISPCopy. So the issues why it's not possible is your desired combination of moving the master only in combination with the change to a different Linux distribution.


If your master server just runs the control panel, then it basically has no config, it's just the ISPConfig UI and the ISPConfig database plus some MySQL users. So the easiest way would be to install a new ISPConfig single server system in expert mode so you just install the ISPConfig GUI like you did on the current server, then dump the dbispconfig database on the old system and import it into the new server. Finally, export the ispcsrv* mysql users on the old system and add them to the new one. If you like to outsource this, ask Florian from ISPConfig business support for a quote to move the master, you can reach him here:

By: thctlo at: 2018-09-25 07:45:08

No directadmin  :-(  

Any chance this script wil support DA also? 

By: till at: 2018-09-25 07:59:25

We plan to add more widely used panels like Directadmin and Cpanel. But I can't give you an estimate yet when they will be available as an import option.

By: Chris L at: 2018-10-25 14:39:55

Few issues:

When syncing  what appears to be mail contents I get nothing but ERRORs: job to /var/vmail...

This is going to an Amazon Debian EC2.  Dry run worked fine

By: till at: 2018-10-25 14:46:30

Hello Chris, it might be that your EC2 instance firewall blocks the rsync transfer. Please contact the Migration Tool support here to get help:

By: Chris L at: 2018-10-25 15:25:01

I didn't have rsync installed on source and target machines - duh!

By: till at: 2018-10-25 15:44:16

I've added a note in the tutorial to check if rsync is installed on both nodes.

By: Levien at: 2018-11-19 16:15:14

getting 2 errors:

first one:

WARNING! client templates can not be imported!All imported clients will have their correct limits but no template assigned!Further things that will NOT be imported:         - getmail accounts         - APS information about installed APS packagesand second: Testing MySQL connection ... OKTesting target server's MySQL setting ...Warning Warning Your max_allowed_packet setting is < 128M (16M). DB import might fail.- changing the value doen;t do the trick so what now?

By: till at: 2018-11-19 16:32:54

These are messages to inform you what can be imported and what not, so they do not indicate an error or failure of the import. The second info suggests that you should try to raise the max_allowed_packet  size on the new system to avoid potential problems with large database imports:

By: Patrick at: 2018-11-20 15:15:27

Hi, i run into a problem at the START of the migration, i have three servers that will become one, but somehow on all of them the remote logins FAIL

It keeps saying that the credentials are incorrect but i am 100% sure they are correct.

By: till at: 2018-11-20 15:21:32

When the tool says that the login fails, then the login is not possible. This can be caused by wrong user credentials or by blocking the connection with a firewall or by connecting to a wrong server or using a wrong remote url. The Migration tool needs to be run on the old serrver and the remote api connection is made to the new server and the remote URL must have the form which means the URL end alsways with /remote/

If you need support for the Migration tool, then contact the Migration tolol support here:

By: Petr Vlcek at: 2019-02-12 10:18:32

Hi, We are trying to migrate ISPCOnfig to a new HW and tried both ISP_Copy and Migration tool. Source is Debian7, apache 2.2.22, php 5.5 and SQL 5.5.60,  ISP config  We went throught all possible scenarios. For the scenario "Copy tool" we installed target exactly same SW but no go... In both cases Apache on the target servers fails to run after the migration or copy script.


The "isp_copy " runs fully through, but at the end the apache fails to run. The same happens with ".migration" script, where we installed latest debian 9+php5+php7+latest mysql+ISPConfig 3.1.13. It says:

-- Unit apache2.service has begun starting up.

Feb 11 21:50:17 web apachectl[24989]: AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next release /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.conf:73

Feb 11 21:50:17 web apachectl[24989]: Action 'start' failed.

Feb 11 21:50:17 web apachectl[24989]: The Apache error log may have more information.

Feb 11 21:50:17 web systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1

Feb 11 21:50:17 web systemd[1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server.

-- Subject: Unit apache2.service has failed

-- Defined-By: systemd

-- Support:

-- Unit apache2.service has failed.

-- The result is failed.

Feb 11 21:50:17 web systemd[1]: apache2.service: Unit entered failed state.

Feb 11 21:50:17 web systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


Any help will be highy appretiated.


By: till at: 2019-02-12 11:24:12

Restart apache and then check the apache error.log file for errors, most likely your old apache 2.2 website config contains settings that cause apache 2.4 on Debian 9 to fail or you use Apache modules on the old server that are not installed on the new one. And better use the migration tool and not isp_copy in your case as your new server has an apache version with a different syntax (apache 2.2 vs. 2.4) and the migration tool creates new vhost file with 2.4 syntax while isp_copy copies over the 2.2 files. If you need further help, please contact the migration support here:

By: Petr Vlcek at: 2019-02-12 16:01:56

Well, that is what I already tried, after non-succesful ISP_copy to identical platform (from LXC to VM), I abandoned ISPCOPYscript and focused only on the migration script that always finished ok, but after that apache just will not start.

By: till at: 2019-02-12 17:10:14

ISPCopy would have worked if the platform would have been identical, but Debian 7 and 9 are not identical platforms as apache syntax is different, so copying an Apache 2.2 config file to an Apache 2.4 server may break the installation, which can be avoided by using the migration tool instead. As mentioned above, please contact the support (as you did in the meantime) when you have a problem with the tool, the comment section here is not a suitable place to post logs with internals of your server.

By: schnbeck at: 2019-03-13 21:48:28

I had the problem that starting with the mail forwards the transfer failed. Reason was an apache restart with the new but not functional configurations. I got the transfer running with a loop deleting /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/100* and could then work on the problems of the website configurations.

By: sweetromain at: 2019-04-16 07:18:55

The migration will remove source data on complete transfert to target ? Or just do a copy/paste to the target ?

By: till at: 2019-04-16 07:33:39

The Migration tool does not alter the source server in any way, so don't worry, no data gets deleted. And the Migration Tool does not just copy files, it imports the configuration into ISPConfig on the target, recreates the sites, mail accounts, DNS zones etc. changes Ip addresses in the config and paths where needed and then moves the data to the new server.

By: Fernando at: 2019-05-05 18:39:38

2 Questions:

1. Can I migrate from a server that has Apache installed to a new one that has Nginx? I have all features installed (except XMPP) but I am only using for e-mail and DNS servers.

2. Is there any issue in using the migration tool when the "old" server has MariaDB self hosted and the "new" one uses an external MariaDB server?


By: till at: 2019-05-06 09:37:14

1) Yes, that's possible.

2) ISPConfig always uses a local MySQL server, unless the new system is a multiserver system. You might have been able to manually tweak ISPConfig to use an external MySQL system on a single server, but that's not officially supported and we have not tested such scenarios with the migration tool. It might work though. External database nodes in multiserver systems are fully supported in the migration tool.

By: Fernando at: 2019-05-08 02:24:33

Thansk Till!

I actually made a mistake in my previous e-mail and the database is local to the server.

I made a dry-run to test (I have not yet bough the license) and it worries me the following lines in the log file:

2019-05-08 02:01:33 - [INFO] Found 0 DNS Zone entries.

2019-05-08 02:01:33 - [INFO] Found 0 DNS Record entries.

This worries me because I am using ISPConfig as a slave server to multiple zones but reading the log it looks like it founds no DNS zones. Can you confirm that that slave/secondary DNS-Zones are migrated as well?

By: Croydon at: 2019-05-08 06:16:45

Are you running the tool on the source server that has the DNS zones? The tool needs to be run on each server that shall be migrated. 

By: Fernando at: 2019-05-08 11:19:16

I am running the tool on the server that is to be migrated. This is a secondary DNS server that has the zones configured as such via the ISPConfig interface.

By: till at: 2019-05-08 15:04:17

I guess you are mixing things up here. slave zones are not DNS zones, so if you have slave zones only, then the tool will show 2019-05-08 02:01:33 - [INFO] Found 0 DNS Zone entries. as slaves records are in a different table and not DNS zones.

Please contact Migration Tool support so we can help you directly:

By: Fernando at: 2019-05-08 02:27:25

An additional question on top of the previous one:

The log shows the target server is multi-server? It is a single server.

2019-05-08 02:01:18 - [INFO] Target is multiserver? yes

Also, is there any issue to migrate php7.2 servers?

By: Croydon at: 2019-05-08 06:17:48

Please look into the /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ of the target and check if the server_id is > 1 there. In addition check the "server" database table on the target ISPConfig database if it contains more than 1 entry.

By: Fernando at: 2019-05-08 11:29:18

server_id is '1' and there is only one entry in the database, as per the output below. Can you advise?


fazevedo@poseidon:~$ sudo cat /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ | grep server_id

[sudo] password for fazevedo: 

$conf['server_id'] = '1';



fazevedo@poseidon:~$ mysql -u ispconfig -p

Enter password: 

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MariaDB connection id is 11941

Server version: 10.1.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Ubuntu 18.04


Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.



MariaDB [(none)]> use dbispconfig;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

MariaDB [dbispconfig]> 

MariaDB [dbispconfig]> 

MariaDB [dbispconfig]> 

MariaDB [dbispconfig]> select * from server;


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


MariaDB [dbispconfig]> MariaDB [dbispconfig]> quit;




By: till at: 2019-05-08 15:01:28

You started the Migration Tool on the old server as shown in the guide, and not on the new one? Please contact Migration Tool support so we can help you directly:

By: FredZ at: 2019-05-07 07:00:41

A really stupid thing has me stuck. I can't get past the ssh key pair setup. On Debian root doesn't exist, but the key pairs seem to insist on using root to copy the key pairs from the source to the new server. Wanting to get this all sorted before I purchase the tool.

By: till at: 2019-05-07 15:34:06

A root user exists on Debian and the connection must be made by the root user as the user which copies the data must be able to set the ownership of all files for all users correctly.

By: Gaby at: 2019-09-10 16:36:39

In the link above ( it is mentioned, that the OS has to be same. So does the migration tool work from Ubuntu 14.04 (ISPconfig 3.0.5) to Ubuntu 16.04 (ISPconfig 3.1.15)? Or are these two Versions of Ubuntu considered als different OS?

By: till at: 2019-09-10 17:04:08

You mix up ISPCopy with the Migration Tool here. The link you posted explains that it has to be the same OS when you use ISPCopy only. For the Migration Tool, which is used in this tutorial, the OS does not matter. So you can use the Migration Tool to migrate the ISPConfig installation from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, but using migrating to Debian or CentOS would work as well.

By: Jan at: 2019-09-16 20:55:30

We have ISPConfig running on ancient Ubuntu 14.04.6 system. We'd like to transfer ISPConfig to the new server, with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Will the ISPConfig Migration toolkit handle properly differences between applications for both of this OS-es? For example: will it automagically tune existing Apache2 config on Ubuntu 14.04 to the version available in Ubuntu 18.04? What about changes in MySQL database between this two OS-es?

By: Joan at: 2020-01-20 22:19:51

Select policy number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7):These spamfilter policies are available. Please select the one, that should be applied to all other mail accounts.[ 1] Non-paying[ 2] Uncensored[ 3] Wants all spam[ 4] Wants viruses[*5] Normal[ 6] Trigger happy[ 7] PermissiveSelect policy number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7):Reading Reseller entries ...Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /root/migration/v54/includes/modules/ on line 616

By: till at: 2020-01-21 08:29:05

Hi Joan, please contact the Migration Tool Support here:

By: Istvan at: 2020-04-19 16:20:46

Hi All,

After the migration, on the target, every site has "*" not ipv4 address.

Do I have to change manually or is there any solution for this ?


thank in advance for ideas :)

By: Kiron at: 2020-05-22 12:28:34

Is there any way to change the default TTL on the destination server after migration? Each new migrated record has a TTL of 86400.

By: Rostislav Stemon at: 2020-05-26 07:46:27

DNS migration of SRV records did not work.

2020-05-26 06:52:13 - [ERROR] API call to dns_srv_add failed.2020-05-26 06:52:13 - [ERROR] JSON API REPLY ERROR: srv_error_regex<br />

By: till at: 2020-05-26 08:15:22

The posted error message is from ISPConfig and not the Migration Tool, the Tool just logged it for you. If you have issues with your migration, please contact the migration tool support:

By: basilmmathew17 at: 2022-03-17 13:24:09

please give me the fix of srv_error_regex 

By: Giovanni Dedè at: 2020-07-06 15:00:01

Hi, I have a question.

Does the migration tool move /etc/dovecot directory?in that directory I have many custom preferences of the mail server.



By: till at: 2020-07-06 15:07:41

No, the tool does an import of websites, mail accounts, DNS records etc. from one control panel to another, it does not copy complete config file directories as they are as this would impose issues when the operating system versions or control panels or operating systems, in general, are not identical between source and target. So if you are using a custom server config, then you must reconfigure the new server in the same way to keep it. Or use ISPCopy, which is part of the Migration Toolkit as well. ISPCopy copies an ISPConfig installation from one server to another as it is, but in that case, OS, OS version, and ISPConfig version should be the same between source and target.

By: Lester at: 2021-05-15 08:10:52

After initial migration and DNS is being propagated how do you ensure the mail delivered to the old mail server can be moved to the new one, BUT also not overwrite mailbox so that new mail delivered to the new mail server already remains.

Currently it looks like resync sets the target data to match source exactly losing any mail delivered to new mail server?

By: spazio at: 2022-01-23 14:04:22

I didn't see any way to re-sync just one website files/database/ftp-user etc.

I get an error saying that --sync-jobs cannot be use with --only-web

./migrate --syncjobs

I'm migrating a server that have more than 500 GIB of web files plus the database. Naturally it takes more than 10 hours just for the process to complete. Before transféring each website traffic from the old server to the new. I want to re-cync JUST one website at a time! ( Just not to comletely go crazzzy!)

Is there a way to JUST re-sync only one domain website?

Is there a way to JUST re-sync only one domain email?


By: till at: 2022-01-23 14:21:19

Resync will sync the same items that you migrated, you can't apply a different selection to the resync process. Example: if you migrated just a single client or single website in the last migration tool run, then re-sync will sync just this single client or website. if you migrated a whole server at once, then re-sync will resync all clients and websites.

The resync will be quite fast and will not kate as long as the original sync as it will only migrate changes in files and databases again and not the whole data. Just run it to see how long it takes so you know which timespan to expect for a final second run.

By: Stephane at: 2022-06-06 06:23:50


It's a nice tool and it's working fine, I just have one problem, I can't understand how to define the PHP version used.

On the Old one, I've setup PHP7.3 on the new it's PHP7.0.


An idea on how to manage this ?


By: till at: 2022-06-06 07:06:38

Enter the new version that shall be used when the tool asks for it. take care to use the exact same naming that the tool shows for the available PHP versions.

By: agarcia71 at: 2022-06-06 17:24:36

PLEASE HELP!, after doing migration, the new server is not resolving any domain.

I did a migration from 3.1 to 3.2.8p1., Ubuntu 20.04, without any error. The option I selected was ISPConfig3. If I turn off the old server, they stop resolving the domains hosted there.


By: till at: 2022-06-06 18:35:35

Did you change the DNS server of all domains to the new one at your domain registrar? If you need further help, please post in the ISPConfig support forum here at howtoforge.

By: BMS at: 2022-12-08 14:46:34

Why are the dnssec records being generated on the target server? This way all the keys need to be renewed @ the registrar.

can this be disabled?

By: Thomas at: 2023-04-11 19:24:52

If I start the script, I get the error "Please change default shell to bash. Dash is incompatible." But the default shell is bash already. Unfortunately an old version  4.2.25. What can I do?


By: Jaume at: 2023-04-12 09:34:43

Hi, regarding this point: "

The old and new server must use the same Let's Encrypt client. If your old server uses certbot, then ensure that the new system is using certbot too and not"

I want a new server with (old is using certbot), it's impossible to migrate in my scenario?



By: till at: 2023-04-12 09:44:38

You can use the command-line option --skip-letsencrypt to skip copying the let#s encrypt certs. Your sites will not have SSL then and you must enable SSL and Let's encrypt checkboxes for each site after migration. Be aware that you can not get the new Let's encrypt certs before switching DNS to the new server.

By: Jaume at: 2023-04-12 14:00:02

Thanks a lot!!!

By: Jaume at: 2023-05-08 09:49:50

Hi, migrating domain by domain the migration tool is working well except for 1 domain, error:

ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 1953: Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.

 [ERROR] job failed. Stopping Sync!

what can i do? why it fails?




By: till at: 2023-05-09 08:05:06

This is not an issue with the migration Tool. Its an incompatibility of the data of this MySQL database with the MySQL or Mariadb version on the new server. The error message already suggests what you might do as a solution. If you need further help on changing database layouts and data types in MySQL, please post in the support forum here at Howtoforge.

By: Roberto Gustinov at: 2024-02-03 10:08:02

i've just bought migration tool kits ISPConfig and has successfully migrate the data, but the configuration not migrated, how can i do it right?

By: till at: 2024-02-03 10:31:49

Just follow the above guide step-by-step. If ISPConfig could not create the website and email configuration (as that's done by ISPConfig on the new system and not by the Migration Tool, the Migration Tools tells ISPConfig via remote API to create the config), then you have an issue with your new ISPConfig installation and not the Migration Tool.

If you need further help, contact the Migration Tool support here:

By: Yel4144 at: 2024-03-28 12:59:12



1.) Is it possible to migrate a server with the same server names? How and when should the new server be renamed?

I would like to install the new ispc on the new server as "", migrate the old server "" and adjust the DNS entries (external not in isp) to point to the new server. Afterwards I need to rename the new ISPC server to the old name.

Is that possible? Or is more recommended to keep a new name?

2) The DNS of all websites are managed outside ISPC. Will the migration of the hosted sites/maildomains work if LetsEncrypt is accessing the old IP?

By: till at: 2024-03-28 13:37:28

1) Yes. Just use the IP address instead of hostname to let the Migration Tool connect to the new server.

2) LE is not run during Migraton at all. Just take care to use the same LE client on old and new system as mentioned in the Migration Tool tutorial, so that the tool can migrate the existing certs.

By: pesja at: 2024-06-05 09:03:24

source server (a) to destination server (b) went smoothly. Then I created a new clean server (a) and I wanted to migrate (b) again to (a). Get the following error message on (b) when starting ./migrate: Please change default shell to bash. Dash is incompatible.

Never had that before.

Please help!

By: JOP at: 2024-08-15 10:15:17

Like to use the "ISPConfig Migration Tool 2.0" but reading the How to after installing Perfect Server. So I (errously) installed Let's Encrypt with "acme" as told in How to. Is it possible to switch from "acme" to "certbot" for migration and switch back to acme thereafter?


What I tried: Installed certbot with "apt install certbot". Now I have both installed, acme and cretbot. Then I updated ISPConfig with "php -q update.php --use-certbot". But does not seem to work. Does migration work or what can I to do to get it work?


I get message when calling "certbot" in shell. Problem?


Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

Certbot doesn't know how to automatically configure the web server on this system. However, it can still get a certificate for you. Please run "certbot certonly" to do so. You'll need to manually configure your web server to use the resulting certificate.


By: till at: 2024-08-15 11:34:45

First, it would have been better if you had used the ISPConfig auto-installer for the installation as recommended in the beginning of the old perfect server guide. It's a more advanced and newer setup than the old Perfect Server guides, and you can choose which Let's Encrypt client to use via command-line switch when using the auto-installer.

There is no easy way to switch your system from to certbot later and having both LE clients installed will break your setup. What you can try is that you remove completely by deleting /root/ and then run an ISPConfig update with command " --force", choose to reconfigure services during update and let the updater create a new LE cert.

By: JOP at: 2024-08-17 06:51:27

First; "ISPConfig auto-installer" is perfect! Perfect server gets perfect installer, congratulations. Did a new install with it with option "--use-certbot".

But regarding certbot; calling certbot at shell ends in the same message as before. How can I check if it works well?

# certbot

Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

Certbot doesn't know how to automatically configure the web server on this system. However, it can still get a certificate for you. Please run "certbot certonly" to do so. You'll need to manually configure your web server to use the resulting certificate.

Log without error:

2024-08-17 03:00:22,804:DEBUG:certbot._internal.display.obj:Notifying user: No renewals were attempted.

2024-08-17 03:00:22,804:DEBUG:certbot._internal.display.obj:Notifying user: No hooks were run.

2024-08-17 03:00:22,804:DEBUG:certbot._internal.display.obj:Notifying user: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2024-08-17 03:00:22,804:DEBUG:certbot._internal.renewal:no renewal failures


Second: Is it possible to switch from certbot to acme after migration? And if it is possible, howto?

By: till at: 2024-08-17 06:57:05

Do not manually run certbot; it can break your setup, especially if certbot is trying to configure your web server. You can easily check if you have a working Let's Encrypt cert by accessing the ISPConfig GUI on port 8080 using the system's hostname. If you have an LE cert, then renewal will work, too.

> Second: Is it possible to switch from certbot to acme after migration? And if it is possible, howto?No, neither certbot offers an option to convert its config to nor does offers an option to import existing certbot certs. Just keep using certbot, ISPConfig supports both LE clients.

By: JOP at: 2024-08-17 07:00:50

thank you Till.

By: Bronislav at: 2024-08-15 18:21:03

Can I execute "migrate" script, after migration failure?My migration failed on copying exiting DB, which was empty.I deleted the empty DB and I am not sure if I can run "migrate" again.

By: till at: 2024-08-16 06:13:56

Yes, you can run the command multiple times. Just ensure to select that the tool may overwrite existing data so you do not end up with duplicate clients, websites etc.

By: JOP at: 2024-08-21 16:20:29

migrated successfully and want to exchange the mailserver. Please confirm steps to sucessfully finish so there isno email loss after exchange and startup.

<old hostname> and >old ip address> are from the server beeing replaced.

1. stop postfix and dovecot (so no more emails are send or received)

2. migrate/sync anything

3. shutdown old server

3. change server name of new system in ISPConfig to servername of old system:

System -> Server Config:


- IP Address: <old ip address>

- Hostname: <old hostname>


- Rspamd URL: <old hostname>

How can I renew ISPConfig Let's Encrypt certificate which has still the old host name.

reboot -> should work?

By: JOP at: 2024-08-23 05:29:07

any comment?

Does anyone rename host of the new machine to the old name after migration?

By: till at: 2024-08-23 07:15:09

If you have questions about the Migration Tool, don't hesitate to get in touch with ISPConfig support: or post in the ISPConfig support forum:


The ISPConfig SSL certificate can be recreated by using the ISPConfig --forceLet the updater reconfigure services and choose to create a new SSL cert during that process.

By: JOP at: 2024-08-23 14:04:13

thank you Till fot the hint, worked well.

By: JOP at: 2024-08-23 14:03:19

any comment?

Does anyone rename host of the new machine to the old name after migration?