Comments on How to install Sonerezh Music Streaming Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Sonerezh is a free, open source and web-based music streaming server that can be used to access media from anywhere. It is simple, lightweight and easy to use. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install Sonerezh on Ubuntu 18.04 server.

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By: ustoopia

When I want to open Sonerezh nothing happens. Error log shows the following:

[Fri Sep 14 16:38:29.131052 2018] [:error] [pid 7744] [client] FastCGI: server "/var/www/web17/cgi-bin/php-fcgi-*" stderr: PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  CakePHP core could not be found. Check the value of CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in APP/webroot/index.php. It should point to the directory containing your /cake core directory and your /vendors root directory. in /var/www/web17/web/sonerezh/app/webroot/index.php on line 99I havent investigated this myself yet but it looks to me that I also have to install CakePHP or something related

By: sanled

Some listed packages are not available in the repository of ubuntu 18.04

By: till

Check that you have all Ubuntu repositories enabled incl. universe and multiverse.

By: Sam

I followed exactly your instructions.

But I get the following error message:

sudo apt-get install php7.2-mcrypt libav-toolsPaketlisten werden gelesen... FertigAbhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.       Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... FertigPaket libav-tools ist nicht verfügbar, wird aber von einem anderen Paketreferenziert. Das kann heißen, dass das Paket fehlt, dass es abgelöstwurde oder nur aus einer anderen Quelle verfügbar ist.Doch die folgenden Pakete ersetzen es:  ffmpegE: Paket php7.2-mcrypt kann nicht gefunden werden.E: Mittels des Musters »php7.2-mcrypt« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.E: Mittels regulärem Ausdruck »php7.2-mcrypt« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.E: Für Paket »libav-tools« existiert kein Installationskandidat.


Error Log of Apache:

cat sonerezh-error.log [Fri Dec 21 14:19:13.972762 2018] [php7:error] [pid 21578] [client] PHP Fatal error:  CakePHP core could not be found. Check the value of CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in APP/webroot/index.php. It should point to the directory containing your /cake core directory and your /vendors root directory. in /var/www/html/sonerezh/app/webroot/index.php on line 99

By: Sam

I manged it now. This are my installation instrutctions for Ubuntu 18.04 and Sonerezh 1.2.4

sudo apt updatesudo apt install apache2 mariadb-server php php-mysql php-gd php php-intl php-cli php-mbstring php-pear php-curlcd /var/www/html/sudo git clone chown -R [yourCurrentUser]: /var/www/html/sonerezhcd /var/www/html/sonerezhphp -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"php composer-setup.phpphp composer.phar installln -s app/Vendor/sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/sonerezhsudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/sonerezhsudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/sonerezh.conf----------Listen 8888<VirtualHost *:8888>    ServerAdmin cubietruck    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/sonerezh        <Directory /var/www/html/sonerezh/>        Options FollowSymLinks        AllowOverride All        # Apache 2.2.x        <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>            Order Allow,Deny            Allow from all        </IfModule>        # Apache 2.4.x        <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>            Require all granted        </IfModule>    </Directory>    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/sonerezh-access.log "Combined"    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/sonerezh-error.log</VirtualHost>----------sudo a2ensite sonerezh.confsudo a2enmod rewritesudo systemctl restart apache2sudo mysql -u root -pmysql> CREATE DATABASE sonerezh;mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sonerezh.* TO 'sonerezh'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<changeme>';mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;exit;

By: scofficial

access sonerezh web installation wizard.

Open your favourite web browser and type the URL http://your-server-ip, you should see the Sonerezh installation screen below:

Provide the database information, like database name, database username, database password, your email address and enter the path to your music data and follow the installation wizard instructions, you should see the Sonerezh login screen below:

Provide a username and password then click on Sign In button, you should see the Sonerezh default dashboard below:

By: Jeff

Instructions work go to load install webpage but nothing loads :/  - "this site cant be reached"