Comments on How to Install Nginx with PHP and MySQL (LEMP Stack) on Ubuntu 22.04

The LEMP software stack is a group of open-source software that enables a server to host dynamic websites and apps written in PHP. This guide will show you to install a LEMP Stack on an Ubuntu 22.04 server.

2 Comment(s)

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By: Deborah

Hi, thanks for the post, it's the best of all I have seen and most update using Nginx according to it's docs. 

Is it possible for you to help set it up with cloudflare 15 year wildcard please?


By: Deborah

I got this error when running the .conf file with basic port 80 only configurations.

nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/var/run/"

I disabled the *.conf added line and got the same error.

Also, tried to get a let's encrypt file and it returned:

Type:   connection

Error getting validation data

Cloudflare is paused and on flex.