Comments on How to install and use KDEConnect on Ubuntu 16.04LTS
In this article, we will discuss one such application - dubbed KDEConnect - that connects your Android or BlackBerry phone to your Linux computer. Suppose you are working on your computer and your phone rings. You pick it up and see that there's a spam SMS. You just ignore it. After some time, the phone rings again. You again pick it up only to see another spam SMS. And this goes on, until you choose not get distracted while you are working.
10 Comment(s)
After downloading everything, apparently successful, when I try to start KDEconnect in Mint 18 it says "cannot connect to KDE Connect DBus services". my machine says I have DBus available. what am I missing?
Charge the fu**ed battery!!!
I got the same error message "cannot connect to KDE Connect DBus service" on a desktop running mint 18. I have no batteries!!. The pghone battery is 96 percent full So i did not understand Alexanders message!
The vikoadi PPA is not working more, this one is working
What I don't see is a way to send files to my phone.
Is there a way to do that? E.G. I want to send my KeePassx password vault without putting it on Dropbox, etc..
Other than that, really cool app!
Just use Dolphin. Once paired, your phone shows up in Devices portion of Dolphin, and you can browse it from there. Its all drag and drop from there on. Be advised you can not write to all locations on your phone. It activly protects itself from us silly users. ;-)
Why, my pc didn't show the notification? When i test it with sending ping from my phone, pc didn't show anything
Anyone can help me?
First thanks because it's really a great app ! I used freeboxsms but for some reason I can't anymore my contact don't appear. I use pushbullet too but it's very limited on the number of sms.
I would like to get the name of the sended sms because if the contact doesn't answer I have to type the name of it (well not very serious), the first letter offers you to choose the contact. It's really the "killer app" !
Why is it absolutely impossible to find documentation on the thing though?
I have searched high and low, and there is absolutely no way in hell to find any information on how desktop-to-phone keyboard input is used. There is nothing to click on in the desktop status bar icon, pop-up, plasmoid, k-menu, etc. Nor is there any “help” button or anything anyway.
But hey, with “modern” (read Apple-like, but more depressed) UIs, I’m lucky, if the author still assumed I can actually read (and doesn’t just use icons), ever see any colors (because monocrome minimalism is soo useful! —.—), let alone makes his desktop “app” keyboard-controllable. (Just try how far you get on Plasma5, without constantly having to switch to the “one-finger mitten of the one-armed cripple” [mouse].)
Hi, kde connect sounds good, but already linux itself can deal with android smartphones directly, like copying files. However I cannot delete files on android, from linux. Is this possible with kde connect? Would be the most important feature for me.
Bye Stephan