Comments on How to install and setup Plex Media Server Ubuntu 16.04
Plex is a free feature-rich media library platform that provides a way to store all your movies, shows, and other media in one place. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure Plex Media Server on Ubuntu 16.04.
11 Comment(s)
Instructions seem very clear, but how about a followup article on the clients, as it seems pretty pointless to talk about one without the other.
Why would I want to disable the DLNA features?
Why would I want to allow "send anonymous data to Plex"?
So far we have been very happy with Kodi, but I'm intrested in learning about other options and alternatives.
Where can the source be found?
I highly suggest you checkout plexupdate.
Plex is NOT open source. It is closed. It is free.
Also, there is ZERO need for a Plex Account. Using a SOCKS proxy (via ssh) or VPN, you can stream anything using the Plex Web interface to anywhere you are in the world.
I find the plex clients to ... er ... suck. No need for them either. Use any DLNA client/controller to access the content on the same network. Android can easily control and/or access the plex server using any number of DLNA controllers. There are plex controllers and/or clients for android, roku, Kodi, and the web interface can be used for streaming to any computer that is connected from anywhere in the world, if you like and setup connectivity.
Does no one else find this clause in the T&C troubling?
However, by using the Services with particular content, for example by using the Services to share particular content or access particular content, you grant to Plex (and to each of the third parties with whom we work to provide you with the Services) a worldwide license to reproduce, modify, create derivative works, transmit, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, distribute, and otherwise use the particular content and metadata associated with the content, such as images of you or images otherwise associated with your account.
sudo systemctl start plexmediaserver and Failed to start plexmediaserver.service: Unit plexmediaserver.service not found.
Form me dosn't word path /root/plex/movie . So I create /home/xXx/plex/movie.
Where xXx are name of user.
Plex is available for ubuntu. Good news! Kodi is also available for all platforms including linux and unix.
Kodi is the best alternative if you can't install Plex on your Ubuntu operating system. Kodi has released an important Update. Update Kodi to use its latest features.
I have mulitple mounted HDDs that can be seen , but plex thinks they are empty, any ideas??
you must set the right permisions on the folders user - plex : group - plex
Plex on Ubuntu is one of the best things happened in technology.