Comments on How to install and configure VSFTPD

As the name suggest 'Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Deamon' (VSFTPD) is one of the most secure FTP daemons available, vsftpd is used as the default FTP server in the Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, NimbleX, Slackware and RHEL Linux distributions.

6 Comment(s)

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By: John

Plain FTP should have been killed off in 1994. It isn't good for security and doesn't play nice with firewalls.  It is the telnet of the file transfer world.

IMHO, we should stop having any guides to install/configure FTP.

99% of the time, people should be deploying either sftp or http for anonymous files.

We need to stop pusing plain FTP.  And ftps is almost as bad, since clients can deside to downgrade the connection.

By: Mcfriendsy

Why did you follow the tutorial then?? The title was pretty clear!

By: Vikash

Is this installation done on > Ubuntu 14.04? As there has been a bug since year in Ubuntu Distribution > 14.04 which doesn't enable this service.

By: Softpub


First of all, I would like to thank you for this great post and you directions from scratch how to setup vsftpd.


Question is... Is ssl tls v1 secure enough?


Thank you very much.


By: More

Thanks but... what's the use of instructions on CHROOT etc without any explanation, or even link to an explanation, of what these terms mean? Makes this otherwise clear guide less useful for newbies...

By: Marc

A refreshing change to find this page it has orginal content and not just another copy as you can tell be the lack of annoying "Conclusion" heading