Comments on How To Connect To A WPA Wifi Using Command Lines On Debian
How To Connect To A WPA Wifi Using Command Lines On Debian This tutorial will explain how to connect to a WPA (1-2) wireless network without installing any graphical tool.
7 Comment(s)
HI folks,
I wrote a quite verbose article about that subject too
maybe someone finds it useful ;)
Thank you so much! All the other How-To's on the internet are hopelessly complicated -- and that's what was keeping my connection from working, extra lines in the .conf file that were doing nasty things
Thank you so much !!!
You saved me in the middle of a minimal netinstall without desktop environment.
This tutorial is so simple but yet so effective, it's wonderful.
I just want to thank you. This was just so nice and easy and worked great for me.
Kind regards
Hi. Thank you so much. It's a very quick and easy tutorial. I have an issue in connecting to wifi network which require username and password.Would you please help me in solving this issue. Many thanks.
I do understand that this is mainly for beginners but perhaps a brief mention of wpa_passphrase in psk would make people a little more secure? saved my life...